French male painters


Gérard Manset (also known as Manset; born 21 August 1945 in Saint-Cloud, Hauts-de-Seine) is a French singer-songwriter, painter, photographer and writer. He is best known for his musical work. Since 1972, the covers of his albums state his name as simply "Manset".
Manset spent his childhood in the suburbs of Paris (Saint-Cloud) and then in the sixteenth arrondissement of Paris. He failed his baccalauréat due to a failing grade in French.
In 1964, Manset was the recipient of the Concours général, and enrolled in the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. The Salon d'Automne welcomed Manset in its engraving section in 1966. Manset's work was also shown at the Paris Salon. At the same time, Manset approached various French advertising agencies with his drawings, without success.
Manset began to play guitar, but was also interested in the drums. He borrowed his sister's piano book, and began learning to play the piano as well.
The mystery that was created around Manset was born from the rarity of his media appearances, his refusal to give concerts, and, above all, the uncompromising character of his work.


Jules Louis Dupré (April 5, 1811 – October 6, 1889) was a French painter, one of the chief members of the Barbizon school of landscape painters. If Corot stands for the lyric and Rousseau for the epic aspect of the poetry of nature, Dupré is the exponent of its tragic and dramatic aspects.


Charles-François-Prosper Guérin (1875 in Sens – 1939) was a French post-impressionist painter.
Guérin studied with Gustave Moreau in the l'École des Beaux Arts à Paris, and had one exhibition at the Grafton Galleries in 1910; in a review Huntly Carter wrote of his "daring extravagance" and that he "show[ed] how the strongest primary colours can be used without crudity, and whose work has a decorative value which the average muddy and colourless work of our day does not possess".Guérin attained some historic notoriety for sitting on the jury of the Salon d'Automne of 1908, which rejected almost all of the paintings of Georges Braque. The other jury members were Henri Matisse, Georges Rouault, and Albert Marquet, all of whom had also been students of Moreau.: 254 p.  The jury's action caused Braque—who had been a great success the year before—to withdraw completely from the Salon. Braque subsequently entered into an exclusive contract with the dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler requiring him (and Picasso) to avoid salons, during which time Braque and Picasso developed cubism.
Guérin was teaching at the Académie de La Palette in 1907 when Henri Hayden studied there and at the Académie Moderne in 1913 when Blanche Lazzell enrolled there, as well as at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière.