Vocation : Humanities+Social Sciences : Linguist


Robert Livinston Allen (1916 – October 9, 1982), was an American professor of linguistics and education at Teachers College, Columbia University known for his development of Sector Analysis, a grammatical system used in the teaching and analysis of languages in the United States and around the world.Born in 1916 in Hamadan, Iran, the son of Presbyterian missionaries, Robert Allen was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and graduated as valedictorian from Hamilton College where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He received his MA (1953) and PhD (1962) in Teaching of English with an emphasis on linguistics from Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York.


Jerold Alan Edmondson (Chinese name: 艾杰瑞 Aì Jiéruì, September 30, 1941 – August 27, 2023) was an American linguist. His work spans four subdisciplines: historical and comparative linguistics, East Asian linguistics, field linguistics, and phonetics. He was a leading specialist in Tai–Kadai languages of East Asia, especially the Kam–Sui and Kra branches.


Kjell Lars Berge (born 23 December 1957) is a Norwegian text linguist.
He graduated from the University of Oslo with a cand.philol. degree in 1985. From 1987 to 1992 he was a lecturer in Norwegian language and literature at Stockholm University. He was then a research fellow at the University of Trondheim from 1992 to 1995, and took the doctorate at that institution in 1996. However, already from 1995 he had been an associate professor of text linguistics at the University of Oslo. He was promoted to professor in 1997. In addition to text linguistics, his special fields are semiotics and rhetoric. In 2009 he was given an honorary degree at the Örebro University.Berge was the chair of the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association from 2005 to 2008.


Even Hovdhaugen (June 21, 1941 – October 16, 2018) was a Norwegian linguist. He became a professor of general linguistics at the University of Oslo in 1974. He was an expert in Polynesian languages.
Hovdhaugen was born in Oslo, the son of the politician Einar Hovdhaugen. He received his master's degree in classical philology and comparative Indo-European linguistics in 1966. He carried out field research in Hungary, Turkey, the USSR, Mongolia, Peru, Chile, Samoa, Tokelau, and the Solomon Islands. He produced extensive research and published textbooks for both university and high school use. He authored grammars of Samoan and Tokelauan.In 1995 he was a guest professor at the University of Copenhagen, and from 1978 to 1980 he served as the first editor of the Nordic Journal of Linguistics. He held several key positions within university administration and research, including dean of the Faculty of Arts in Oslo. He headed the Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture from 1986 to 1991. In 1992 he received the Fridtjof Nansen Award of Excellence and the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF) Prize for Excellence.
He resided in Bærum. He died on October 16, 2018.


The Internaciaj Floraj Ludoj (English: International Floral Games) were an annual Catalonia-based Esperanto literary contest inspired by the Barcelonan Floral Games. It was started by Frederic Pujulà i Vallès in 1908 from the drafts of Esperanto: La Revuo (The Journal) at the 5th annual World Congress of Esperanto. The first winner was the German poet Marie Hankel.
After its founding in 1910 by Federación Esperantista Catalana, the games were held by the Catalan Esperanto Congress. They soon gained participation and support. They are often held to be the most prestigious Esperanto event in the era before World War II.
Following the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, the games ceased for 42 years until 1978, after the end of Francoist Spain. They ended entirely in 1993.


Virginia Mixson Geraty (1915–2004) was an American writer, librarian, and outspoken defender of the Gullah language. She authored poetry and books in the Gullah language and produced popular recordings in Gullah. She was also involved in theater and film productions that promoted popular understanding of the language.


Edith Frances Ruth Bradley Holmes (November 26, 1924 – September 2, 2021) was an American linguist, educator, and polyglot who authored two Cherokee language textbooks. Holmes served on the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education from 1975 to 1985. She taught Russian language at Louisiana State University and Russian and Cherokee language adult education courses in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.


Christian Schweigaard Stang (15 March 1900 – 2 July 1977) was a Norwegian linguist, Slavicist and Balticist, professor in Balto-Slavic languages at the University of Oslo from 1938 until shortly before his death. He specialized in the study of Lithuanian and was highly regarded in Lithuania.


Moritz Schönfeld (9 February 1880 – 4 October 1958) was a Dutch linguist who specialized in Germanic linguistics. Moritz Schönfeld was the author of several reference works on Germanic names and Dutch etymology which have been highly influential and are still in use today.