Vocation : Education : Librarian


Maurice Falcom Tauber (February 14, 1908 – September 21, 1980) was an influential librarian, educator and researcher in the field of library and information sciences; he was a major actor in how technical services units in American and in international libraries were thought of and how they evolved in the 20th century. Tauber is remembered especially for his role as professor and mentor during his long tenure at Columbia University from 1944-1976. In 1999, American Libraries named him one of the "100 Most Important Leaders We Had in the 20th Century".


Everett Owen Alldredge (September 22, 1912 – September 9, 1973) was an American archivist and records manager, and a leader in the American archival community.
Everett O. Alldredge was born and raised in Mount Vernon, Indiana, and completed his undergraduate studies in history at DePauw University. He joined the staff of the National Archives in 1940, and spent most of his 31-year career involved in records management. From 1959 to 1971 he served as Assistant Archivist for Records Management. He was also an active member of the archival profession, serving as president of the Society of American Archivists from 1963 to 1964.
Alldredge received the Emmett Leahy Award in 1969.Alldredge died of cancer two years after his retirement, on September 9, 1973.


Félix Savary, who was born on 4 October 1797 in Paris and died on 15 July 1841 in Estagel, was a French astronomer.He studied at the École Polytechnique, where he was later a professor of astronomy. He was a librarian at the Bureau des Longitudes between 1823 and 1829, and was elected to the French Academy of Sciences on 24 December 1832.In his works Mémoire sur les orbites des étoiles doubles and Sur la détermination des orbites que décrivent autour de leur centre de gravité deux étoiles très rapprochées l'une de l'autre, published in 1827, he was the first to use observations of a visual binary star to calculate the orbit of one star about the other. He applied his method to the star ξ Ursae Majoris.He worked with Ampère, publishing in 1823 the work Mémoire sur l'application du calcul aux phénomènes électro-dynamiques.


François Émile Maupas (2 July 1842 in Vaudry – 18 October 1916 in Algiers) was a French librarian, protozoologist, cytologist, and botanist. Maupas contributed to ideas on the life cycle and reproduction of the ciliates. He founded the idea, known as the Maupasian life cycle, that some protists had a definite death following sexual reproduction, contrary to contemporary ideas on protists being immortal. He also identified the existence of mating types in ciliates. He developed culture techniques for a number of organisms and described the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, which has since become a widely used model organism in biological studies.


Charles Henry (1859–1926) was a French librarian and editor. He was born at Bollwiller, Haut-Rhin, and was educated in Paris, where in 1881 he became assistant and afterward librarian in the Sorbonne. As a specialist in the history of mathematics, he was sent to Italy to seek some manuscripts of that nature which the government wished to publish. He edited several works upon kindred subjects, as well as memoirs, letters, and other volumes, and wrote critiques upon the musical theories of Rameau and Wronski. He is also credited with the invention of several ingenious devices and instruments used in psychophysiological laboratories. He published C. Huet's correspondence under the title Un érudit, homme du monde, homme d'église, homme de cour (1880), and he issued also Problèmes de géométrie pratique (1884) and Lettres inédites de Mlle. de Lespinasse à Condorcet et à D'Alembert (1887).Charles Henry, a mathematician, inventor, esthetician, and intimate friend of the Symbolist and anarchist writers Félix Fénéon and Gustave Kahn, met Georges Seurat, Paul Signac and Camille Pissarro during the last Impressionist exhibition in 1886. Henry would take the final step in bringing emotional associational theory into the world of artistic sensation: something that would influence greatly the Neo-Impressionists. Henry and Seurat were in agreement that the basic elements of art—the line, particle of color, like words—could be treated autonomously, each possessing an abstract value independent of one another, if so chose the artist. In 1889 Fénéon noted that Seurat knew that the line, independent of its topographical role, possesses an assessable abstract value, in addition, to the individual pieces of color, and the relation of both to the observer's emotion.
The Neo-Impressionists established what was accepted as an objective scientific basis for their painting in the domain of color. The underlying theory behind Neo-Impressionism would have a lasting effect on the works produced in the coming years by the likes of Robert Delaunay. The Cubists were to do so in both form and dynamics, and the Orphists would do so with color too. The decomposition of spectral light expressed in Neo-Impressionist color theory of Paul Signac and Charles Henry played an important role in the formulation of Orphism. Robert Delaunay, Albert Gleizes, and Gino Severini all knew Henry personally.


Paul Lacroix (French: [lakʁwa]; 27 February 1806 – 16 October 1884) was a French author and journalist. He is known best by his pseudonym P.L. Jacob, bibliophile, or Bibliophile Jacob, suggested by his great interest in libraries and books generally.


Else Granheim (16 March 1926 – 7 March 1999) was a Norwegian librarian and civil servant.
A librarian and eventually director of Statens bibliotektilsyn, she was also involved in legislative work and public commissions, edited library magazines, and served as president of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.


Nicolas Fargues (born 8 March 1972) is a French novelist.
From 1998 to 2002, he had various jobs in journalism, libraries and publishing. He published two novels Le Tour du propriétaire (2000) and Demain si vous le voulez bien (2001) before achieving his first major public and critical success, with One Man Show, published in 2002. This book is based on his own experiences in the media world where he encountered celebrities whom he found "smaller and more tired than on the screen". Two years later, he published Rade Terminus, which was inspired by his experience as an expatriate, directing the Alliance Française in Antsiranana (Madagascar).
His most recent books are J'étais derrière toi (2006) and Beau rôle (2008).


Humfrey Wanley (21 March 1672 – 6 July 1726) was an English librarian, palaeographer and scholar of Old English, employed by manuscript collectors such as Robert and Edward Harley. He was the first keeper of the Harleian Library, now the Harleian Collection.