Poets from Minnesota


William Pitt Root (born 1941 Austin, Minnesota) is an American poet.He was raised in Fort Myers, Florida.He studied at the University of Washington, and University of North Carolina at Greensboro.He was Tucson Poet Laureate from 1997 to 2002, and taught at Hunter College.
He was a US/UK Exchange Artist, Rockefeller Foundation fellow, Guggenheim Fellow, Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford University, and an NEA fellow.His work appeared in Asheville Poetry Review, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Harpers, The Nation, Commonweal, The American Poetry Review, Tri@uarterly, and Poetry. He is poetry editor of Cutthroat Magazine.He is married to poet Pamela Uschuk; they live near Durango, Colorado and Tucson Arizona


Charles Gullans (May 5, 1929 – March 30, 1993) was an American poet, bibliographer, and educator. His first book, Arrivals and Departures (University of Minnesota Press, 1962), was his most critically acclaimed publication. He published five more poetry collections during his life. He also published translations including Last Letters from Stalingrad and The Wrong Side of the Rug, and compiled bibliographies of the works of Sir Robert Ayton and J V Cunningham.