1891 births


Frieda Rosenthal (born Frieda Schrinner: 9 June 1891 – 15 October 1936) was a Berlin local politician and, after 1933, active in resisting the Nazi régime. Concerned that, under interrogation, she had inadvertently implicated a fellow activist, she died by hanging herself, using a radiator, in her prison cell.


Franz Heinrich Kaiser (25 April 1891 – 13 March 1962) was a German astronomer.He worked at the Heidelberg-Königstuhl Observatory from 1911 to 1914 while working on his Ph.D. there, which he obtained in 1915. During this time, Heidelberg was a center of asteroid discovery, and Kaiser discovered 21 asteroids during his time there.The outer main-belt asteroid 3183 Franzkaiser was named in his memory on 1 September 1993 (M.P.C. 22497).


Felix Oscar Schlag (September 4, 1891 – March 9, 1974) was a German born American sculptor who was the designer of the United States five cent coin in use from 1938 to 2004.He was born to Karl and Teresa Schlag in Frankfurt, Germany where as a young man, he served in the German army of World War I. Schlag studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich. He moved to the United States in 1929.
On April 21, 1938, Schlag's design for the Jefferson nickel was selected by Nellie Tayloe Ross, Director of the United States Mint. Schlag won $1,000 for his winning design of the coin; he had been an award-winning artist in Europe. His prize money was spent on his wife's funeral. In the 1930s, Felix won several sculptural commissions and art prizes including some New Deal commissions to produce work at several post offices, including ones in White Hall, Illinois and schools in Champaign, Illinois and Bloom Township.Schlag accepted the offer of the American government to place his initials, FS, on the nickel beginning in 1966.
The designer relocated to Owosso, Michigan, where he died and is buried. He and his wife Anna, whom he married in 1920, had three children: Feliza (1920), Leo (1921), and Hilda (1929). A memorial was placed by the Michigan State Numismatic Society on September 14, 2008.


Karl Ludwig Schmidt (Frankfurt am Main 5 February 1891 – Basel, 10 January 1956) was a German Protestant theologian and professor of New Testament studies at the University of Basel. He taught that the accounts of the New Testament were to be regarded as fixed written versions of oral Gospel tradition.
In 1919, his book Der Rahmen der Geschichte Jesu ("The Framework of the Story of Jesus") showed that Mark's chronology is the invention of the evangelist.
Using form criticism, Schmidt showed that an editor had assembled the narrative out of individual scenes that did not originally have a chronological order.
This finding challenged historians' ability to discern a historical Jesus and helped bring about a decades-long collapse in interest in the topic.He was professor of New Testament Studies from 1921 to 1925 in Giessen; 1925 to 1929 in Jena; from 1929 to 1933 in Bonn. He was dismissed from his position as a professor at Bonn in September 1933 by the Nazi regime due to his resistance to the Aryan paragraph. He was involved in church administration from 1933 to 1935 in Switzerland. From 1935 to 1953 he was a professor of New Testament in Basel.
From 1922 to 1937 he was an editor of Theologische Blätter and from 1945 to 1953 he was an editor of Theologische Zeitschrift. He wrote the article on the meaning of the Greek word ekklesia (church) for the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. In 1959, Karl Barth wrote this about him after his death: "K. L. Schmidt, far superior to me in both learning and pugnacity, but always so stimulating."


Hans Klein (17 January 1891 – 18 November 1944) was a German World War I fighter ace credited with 22 aerial victories.
During World War II he held the position of Geschwaderkommodore of the JG 53 "Pik As" fighter Geschwader (wing).


Hernán Díaz Arrieta (1891–1984), widely known by his pen name, Alone, was a Chilean writer, film critic and memoirist. He won the Chilean National Prize for Literature in 1959.
Díaz Arrieta was born on May 11, 1891, in the town of Buin on the outskirts of Santiago, Chile. He spent a year in the Seminary of Santiago, a year at the Instituto Comercial de Santiago, and finally attended dental school for a brief time. He then began a 25-year career in the Ministry of Justice eventually becoming the head of the Civil Registry. Despite receiving little formal training, he began his literary career at an early age. In 1913, he published two stories in the journal Pluma y Lapiz under the pseudonym Alone. He published his only novel in 1915 before devoting his attention to literary criticism. In a career spanning more than sixty years, Alone wrote for a wide array of newspapers and periodicals, penning, most notably, the column Crónica Literaria, which first appeared in La Nación and later in El Mercurio. He became well known for his fluid and distinct style, and is considered to be the greatest Chilean prose writer of the mid-20th century. Several writers profited from his active promotion of their work, especially María Luisa Bombal and the poet Gabriela Mistral. Despite his vehement opposition to Communism, he nevertheless was an outspoken admirer of the poet and Pablo Neruda who was a prominent member of the Communist Party of Chile. He was a staunch catholic and supporter of the right-wing political movement that culminated in the 1973 overthrow of the leftist President of Chile, Salvador Allende.
Alone lived his whole life in the same residence, a house he obtained with a mortgage at the beginning of his career in the Civil Service. Nearly blind and unable to speak, Alone died on January 24, 1984, at the age of 92.
Notable Works
Historia Personal de la Literatura Chilena (1954)
Aprender a escribir (1956)
Leer y escribir (1962)
Preterito, Imperfecto (1976)


Jan Pieter "Jan P." Strijbos (March 14, 1891 – May 10, 1983) was a Dutch naturalist, cineaste, photographer, journalist, writer and public speaker of the nature (and birds in particular) protection movement.
Strijbos grew up in Haarlem and initially worked as an architectural engineer. He became more and more interested in birds and chose to start publishing on the subject in 1927. Daily newspapers such as Het Parool and De Telegraaf frequently reserved space for his popular columns. His first major work was the first part of What's that bird called (Dutch: Hoe heet die vogel?), followed by part two in 1930. He also wrote a richly illustrated book on the breeding of the grey heron before becoming involved in photography. His most notable achievement in that field was the material he created in the pre-war great cormorant colony in Lekkerkerk. He also created visual material for the promotion of his cause, which he mainly used for his lectures. His friend and Nobel prize winning ethologist Niko Tinbergen characterised him in a preface he has written for Strijbos' 1956 book about South Africa as follows: "(...) the tramp, the carefree enjoyer, the admirer, the minstrel, and the ambassadeur of all things living, the witty conversationalist".


Erwin Walter Maximilian Straus (11 November 1891, Frankfurt am Main – 20 May 1975, Lexington, Kentucky) was a German-American phenomenologist and neurologist who helped to pioneer anthropological medicine and psychiatry, a holistic approach to medicine that is critical of mechanistic and reductionistic approaches to understanding and treating human beings.
Some of his work can also be regarded as a precursor to or early version of neurophenomenology. Straus taught at Black Mountain College.
His books published in English include:

Phenomenology: Pure and Applied (1964, Duquesne University Press)
Phenomenological Psychology (1966, Basic Books)
Psychiatry and Philosophy (1969, Springer)
Phenomenology of Memory (1970, Duquesne University Press)
Language and Language Disturbances (1974, Duquesne University Press)
Man, Time, and World: Two Contributions to Anthropological Psychology (1982, Humanities Press)
On Obsession: A Clinical and Methodological Study (1987, Johnson Reprint Corp)