United States Air Force reservists


Jack Tippit (October 19, 1923 – October 14, 1994) was an American cartoonist whose work includes the comic strip Amy, which he produced from 1964 through 1991.


Major General Orlando Llenza (July 1, 1930 – March 11, 2021) was the second Puerto Rican to reach the rank of Major General (two-star General) in the United States Air Force. Llenza served as commander of the Puerto Rico Air National Guard (PRANG).


Gerald Patrick Mathers (born June 2, 1948) is an former American actor best known for his role in the television sitcom Leave It to Beaver, originally broadcast from 1957 to 1963. He played the protagonist Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver, the younger son of the suburban couple June and Ward Cleaver (Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont, respectively) and the younger brother of Wally Cleaver (Tony Dow).