1996 suicides


Katja Maria Riosianu Medbøe (3 December 1945 – c. 13 November 1996) was a Norwegian actress.
She graduated from the Norwegian National Academy of Theatre in 1968, and acted both at Den Nationale Scene and at the National Theatre. Medbøe was best known for her role in the Hustruer-trilogy (Wives), along with Frøydis Armand and Anne Marie Ottersen. She also released records with poetry readings set to music.In December 1996, Medbøe's sister, Wenche Medbøe, announced that Katja had been missing for three weeks, and made a public appeal for tips. As a result of a head injury she had experienced pain from the stage lighting. On 12 November she had left the hospital and not been seen since. On 3 May 1997, she was found dead in Nordmarka – a forest area north of Oslo. Medbøe had two children. The cause of death was, according to her daughter, Eline Medbøe, suicide.


Luigi Pistilli (19 July 1929 – 21 April 1996) was an Italian actor of stage, screen, and television.At one time Pistilli was one of Italy's most respected actors of stage, screen, and television. In theater, he was considered one of the country's finest interpreters of Bertolt Brecht's plays in The Threepenny Opera and St Joan of the Stockyards.He is known to Italian horror movie buffs mainly for his three 1972 thrillers Twitch of the Death Nerve, Iguana with the Tongue of Fire and Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key. Pistilli committed suicide in 1996 at age 66.


Walter Michael Miller Jr. (January 23, 1923 – January 9, 1996) was an American science fiction writer. His fix-up novel, A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959), the only novel published in his lifetime, won the 1961 Hugo Award for Best Novel. Prior to its publication, he was a writer of short stories.


John C. Salvi III (March 2, 1972 – November 29, 1996) was an anti-abortion extremist who carried out fatal shootings at two abortion facilities in Brookline, Massachusetts on December 30, 1994. The shootings killed two and wounded five. An insanity defense at his trial was not successful and he was convicted of two counts of murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. He died in 1996 in what was officially ruled a suicide in his jail cell.


Nicholas Louis "Nick" Bissell Jr. (January 14, 1947 – November 27, 1996) was the county prosecutor of Somerset County, New Jersey. After being charged with embezzlement, tax fraud and abuse of power, he fled to Laughlin, Nevada, and killed himself after a standoff with US Marshals.