Pages using infobox person with multiple parents


Joseph Kahahawai Jr. (25 December 1909 – 8 January 1932) was a Native Hawaiian prizefighter accused of the rape of Thalia Massie. He was abducted and killed after an inconclusive court case ended with a hung jury mistrial.


Mae Georgia Giraci (January 22, 1910 – January 10, 2006), also known as May Giraci, May Garcia, May Geraci, May Giracci, May Giracia and Tina Rossi, was an American child actress who appeared in silent films between 1915 and 1929.Giraci was born in Los Angeles. She was discovered by director Cecil B. DeMille and worked with him and his brother William C. DeMille. She died of colon cancer in 2006.


Hilde Neumann (born Hilde Martha Betty Rosenfeld: 13 April 1905, in Berlin-Karlshorst – 11 September 1959, in Berlin) was a German lawyer.She was politically leftwing and of Jewish provenance: she spent the Nazi years in exile. In 1947 she returned to Berlin and resumed her political focus, becoming a senior legal official in the Socialist Unity Party (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands / SED), which by 1949 had become the ruling party of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) which was formally established in October of that year. She also served as editor in chief of "Neue Justiz", an East German monthly specialist journal concerned with legal matters.


Margot Klausner (also: Margot Klausner-Brandstaetter; November 2, 1905 – November 12, 1975) was a German-Israeli writer and filmmaker. Regarded as a pioneer of Israeli filmmaking, Klausner co-founded the first Israeli film studio, Israel Motion Picture Studios Herzliyyah Ltd (more widely known as Herzliya Studios or United Studios), with her husband Yehoshua Brandstaetter in 1949. Klausner served as chairman and president of the company until her death in 1975. Klausner was instrumental in the development of the Israeli film industry, and by 1974 Herzliya Studios (which operated under different names over the years) had produced 100 feature films, and thousands of advertisements, newsreels, documentaries, and satellite transmissions.
From the 1920s until her death in 1975, Klausner published numerous works on a variety of subjects in German, Hebrew, and English. Klausner founded the Israeli Parapsychological Society and published the monthly magazine Mysterious Worlds: A Journal of Parapsychology from 1968 to 1971.


Lori March (March 6, 1923 – March 19, 2013) was an American television actress. She was best known for her roles on daytime soap operas. Her obituary on the Television Academy's web site noted that she "was dubbed 'First Lady of Daytime Television.'"


Hunt Stromberg Jr. (May 16, 1923 – November 24, 1986) was a Broadway, radio and television producer best remembered for the discovery and casting of Maila Nurmi as Vampira, and for producing the 1973 film Frankenstein: The True Story.


Ralph Dana Winter (December 8, 1924 – May 20, 2009) was an American missiologist and Presbyterian missionary who helped pioneer Theological Education by Extension, raised the debate about the role of the church and mission structures and became well known as the advocate for pioneer outreach among unreached people groups. He was the founder of the U.S. Center for World Mission (USCWM, now Frontier Ventures), William Carey International University, and the International Society for Frontier Missiology.His 1974 presentation at the Congress for World Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzerland – an event organized by American evangelist Billy Graham – was a watershed moment for global mission.It was during this presentation that Winter shifted global mission strategy from a focus on political boundaries to a focus on distinct people groups. Winter argued that instead of targeting countries, mission agencies needed to target the thousands of people groups worldwide, over half of which have not been reached with the gospel message.
Billy Graham once wrote: “Ralph Winter has not only helped promote evangelism among many mission boards around the world, but by his research, training and publishing he has accelerated world evangelization."In 2005, Winter was named by Time magazine as one of the 25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America. Dr. Ray Tallman, shortly after Winter's death, described him as "perhaps the most influential person in missions of the last 50 years and has influenced missions globally more than anyone I can think of."