Winners of the Prix Broquette-Gonin (literature)


Jean Herbert was one of the first generation of interpreters for the United Nations organization. He was a former chief interpreter of the United Nations interpretation service in New York City.


Georges Frêche (July 9, 1938 – October 24, 2010) was a French politician. He served as President of the Languedoc-Roussillon Region from 2004 until his death: prior to that, he had been mayor of Montpellier for 27 years, and was also a former member (député) of the National Assembly. Frêche had been a member of the French Socialist Party until he was expelled on January 27, 2007.
A long-time political figure within French political circles, Frêche was an extremely controversial character, considered by some a great builder and visionary, while criticised by others and judged in court for his controversial remarks, which were sometimes interpreted as racist.


Étienne Vincent Borne (January 22, 1907 – June 14, 1993) was born in Manduel (Gard). He was a professor of philosophy Hypokhâgne at Lycée Henri-IV in Paris. Étienne Borne founded the Mouvement republicain populaire (MRP), and the French Christian Democratic Party. He was a columnist in the newspaper La Croix.
Jacques Derrida was one of his students.


Patrice Franceschi (born December 18, 1954, in Toulon) is a French adventurer.
Franceschi is also a writer, a documentary & film maker, a sailor and a pilot. He has been awarded several medals and distinctions. Patrice Franceschi was also at the origins of many humanitarian missions in war zones (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kurdistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc.). He is former chairman of the Société des Explorateurs Français, and former chairman and co-founder of Solidarités International.
Franceschi is the captain of the 3-masted schooner La Boudeuse, aiming at scientific expeditions related to social evolutions and climate change matters. He is most famous for being the first man to carry a solo around-the-world flight in an Aviasud Sirocco ultralight aeroplane from September 26, 1984, to March 26, 1987. Following this tour of 2+1⁄2 years (562 hours of flight, across 33 countries), he wrote a book recounting his expedition: La folle équipée.He also took part in many expeditions, including the project The Spirit of Bougainville, whose first ship La Boudeuse (a Chinese junk, thirty meters long), sank 130 miles east of Malta.
He is the author of numerous books and has directed several films from his expeditions.


Jean Markale (May 23, 1928 in Paris – November 23, 2008) was the pen name of Jean Bertrand, a French writer, poet, radio show host, lecturer and high school French teacher who lived in Brittany. As a former specialist in Celtic studies at the Sorbonne, he researched pre-Christian and medieval culture and spirituality. He published numerous books about Celtic civilization, particularly the place of women in Celtic culture, and Arthurian literature.


Christian Jacq (French: [ʒak]; born 28 April 1947) is a French author and Egyptologist. He has written several novels about ancient Egypt, notably a five book series about pharaoh Ramses II, a character whom Jacq admires greatly.