Vocation : Medical : Veterinarian


Friedrich Weber, Dr. (30 January 1892 – 19 July 1955) was an instructor in veterinary medicine at the University of Munich. In World War I he served in the Royal Bavarian 1st Heavy Cavalry Regiment "Prince Karl of Bavaria". He was the leader of the Oberland League and ranked alongside Adolf Hitler, Erich Ludendorff, Ernst Röhm and Hermann Kriebel as one of the chief conspirators of the Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923. He was convicted along with Hitler in 1924 but continued to head the Oberland League until 1929.
After his release from prison, he set up a private vet practice in Munich and continued close contact with Hitler being given a lucrative position in Berlin after Hitler's accession to power in 1933. He became an army vet late in World War II. After the war, he was interned by U.S. occupation authorities and heavily fined for war profiteering, but continued to practise veterinary medicine, eventually dying in reduced circumstances in 1955.


Robert von Ostertag (March 24, 1864 – October 7, 1940) was a German veterinarian who was a native of Schwäbisch Gmünd.
He studied medicine in Berlin and veterinary medicine in Stuttgart, afterwards becoming a professor of hygiene at Tierärztliche Hochschule Stuttgart (1891–1892) and at the College of Veterinary Medicine in Berlin (1892–1907). In 1907 he became head of the veterinary department in the Reich Health Office in Berlin. In 1910 he traveled to German Southwest Africa in order to study diseases of sheep, and in 1913 he investigated rinderpest in German East Africa. In 1920 he became head of veterinary services in Germany.
In the 1890s, Ostertag started a rigorous program of meat inspection in Berlin, and he was referred to as the "Father of Veterinary Meat Inspection" in Germany. Ostertag's meat inspection act of 1900 greatly reduced incidences of bovine tuberculosis in human beings.
He was the author of numerous publications in veterinary science, and is remembered for his influential Lehrbuch für Fleischbeschauer ("Handbook of Meat Inspection"), a book that was later translated into English.
His name is lent to Ostertagia, a genus of attenuated nematodes of the family Trichostrongylidae. These organisms are found in cysts on the wall of the abomasum of cattle and other ruminants. The disease associated with the organism is called "ostertagiosis".


Jean-Henri Magne (15 July 1804, Sauveterre-de-Rouergue – 27 August 1885) was a French veterinarian.

During his career, he worked as a professor at the École royale vétérinaire de Lyon and at the École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort, where from 1846, he served as director.In 1836 he became a member of the Société linnéenne de Lyon, serving as its president in 1841/42. He was also a member of the Académie d'agriculture de France and the Académie vétérinaire de France, being chosen as its president in 1855.


Henri-Mamert-Onésime Delafond (13 February 1805 – 15 November 1861) was a French veterinarian born in Saint-Amand-en-Puisaye, Nièvre department. Delafond was one of the primary representatives of veterinary science in France during the first half of the nineteenth century.He served as a professor and director of the Maisons-Alfort veterinary school. He was a member of the Académie de Médecine and of the Société nationale d'agriculture.Delafond is remembered for pioneer microscopic research of Bacillus anthracis, the causative organism of anthrax. Also, with microbiologist David Gruby (1810–1898), he performed extensive investigations of Tritrichomonas suis, a parasite found in swine.
In 1842 with Gabriel Andral (1797–1876) and Jules Gavarret (1809–1890), he was co-author of an important treatise on domestic animal blood composition titled Recherches sur la composition du sang de quelques animaux domestiques, dans l’état de santé et de maladie. With Honoré Bourguignon, he published Traité pratique d'entomologie et de pathologie comparées de la psore ou gale de l'homme et des animaux domestiques (Treatise on the entomology and comparative pathology of scabies affecting humans and domesticated animals).