Spanish people stubs


Salvador Sánchez-Terán Hernández (19 April 1934 – 31 December 2022) was a Spanish politician from the Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD) who served as Minister of Labour from May to September 1980 and previously as Minister of Transport and Communications from February 1978 to May 1980.Sánchez-Terán died on 31 December 2022, at the age of 88.


Miguel Blesa de la Parra (8 August 1947 – 19 July 2017) was a Spanish banker, the chairman of the Spanish bank Caja Madrid from 1996 to 2009.In February 2017, Blesa was sentenced to a six-year jail term in connection with the widespread misuse of company credit cards during his long tenure as chairman of Caja Madrid, but remained at liberty pending the outcome of an appeal to the Supreme Court.Blesa was found dead on a private hunting estate in the province of Córdoba on 19 July 2017, with a shotgun wound to the chest. The autopsy on 20 July confirmed that he killed himself.
As the death of Rita Barberá and the others from Gürtel (Francisco Yáñez, María del Mar Rodríguez and Isidro Cuberos) Blesa's heirs are liable for damages to the harmed.He received a Golden Medal from the Real Academia de la Historia, and was awarded as Mejor Presidente de Entidad Financiera 2005 by Banca 15.


Ramón Areces Rodríguez (1904 in La Mata (Grado), Asturias, Spain – 1989 in Madrid, Spain) was a Spanish businessman.
At fifteen, Areces emigrated to Havana, Cuba. There he learned the basics of the business, working at EL ENCANTO Department Store. He later traveled through the United States and Canada, before returning to Spain. When he returned to Madrid in 1935, he opened up a small tailor shop on the calle Preciados. Areces used the techniques he learned on his trip, and his business grew, quite unexpectedly. In July 1940 he opened the first El Corte Inglés department store in Madrid, Spain.


Joaquín Costa (September 14, 1846, Monzón, Huesca Province – February 8, 1911, Graus, Huesca Province) was a Spanish politician, lawyer, economist and historian.
The son of an Aragonese farmer and his first wife, Costa was self-educated and campaigned to end what he considered to be Spanish backwardness. He desired to start a movement that would force politicians to embark on a program of educational, social, and economic reform.
According to Raymond Carr his ideas, known as 'Regenerationism' (scientific study of Spain's decline as a nation), rose to greater prominence in the aftermath of Spain's defeat in the Spanish–American War.


Antonio Chacón (1869–1929) was a Spanish flamenco singer [cantaor].
Chacón was born in Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz Province. He began earning a living by performing flamenco around 1884. He toured Andalucia with his two friends, the Molina brothers - dancer Antonio Molina, and guitarist Javier Molina. He was later hired by Silverio Franconetti for his café in Seville. He was noted for his skill in singing the cartagenera, malagueñas, granaína and media granaína, which earned him the popular title of "Don".
According to Fernando el de Triana, he was so accomplished that all of the most successful cantaores (singers) performing with him renounced their right of seniority and allowed Chacón to perform last, because the audience would simply leave when he finished. Had they not preceded him, they would have been performing to an empty hall.He performed with many of the best performers of his era. The great guitarist Ramón Montoya performed as Chacón's accompanist for over a decade until the early 1920s. Another great guitarist, Sabicas, then accompanied him, early in the latter's career.
In 1922 at Granada he participated in the celebrated Concurso de Cante Jondo. Chacón was given the place of honor, presiding over the judges of this flamenco contest. For many the singer Chacón remains "el mejor de todos los tiempos" (the best of all time). He died in Madrid.


Manuel Pardiñas Serrano (1880 or 1887 – 12 November 1912) was a Spanish anarchist who assassinated José Canalejas, the Prime Minister of Spain. Pardiñas shot Canalejas in front of the San Martín Library in Madrid on 12 November 1912. Pardiñas then turned the gun on himself and committed suicide. However, this story has possible inconstencies because his body had two shots to the head. He was reportedly from the town of El Grado in the province of Huesca.


Francisco Romero López (born 1 December 1933) is a Spanish bullfighter, known as Curro Romero. Born in Camas, near Seville.
He started his professional career in La Pañoleta (Seville), on August 22, 1954, together with Limeño.
His first corrida with horses took place in Utrera (Sevilla), on September 8, 1954, fighting bulls that belonged to Ruperto de los Reyes and Francisco Corpas. His debut in Madrid happened on July 18, 1957, with bulls from Alipio Pérez-Tabernero. He was not very successful on that day.
His career was one of the longest in bullfighting. It was also very irregular. He retired at age 66, after 42 years in the profession. There is a bronze statue of him outside the bullring in Sevilla.


Juan Orozco (14 April 1937 – February 15, 2020) was a Spanish luthier and guitar impresario who lived in New York from 1965 to 1995, where he had a famous guitar shop at 156, 56th Street in the 1970s to 1990s.
He is the third in a family of guitar makers (his father, Juan Orozco, built guitars in Spain, Uruguay and Brazil). He was actively involved in the development of classic guitars in the mid-1970s (starting as early as 1969) together with great Japanese luthiers like Matsuoka, Tamura, Masaki Sakurai and Yairi, who then developed guitars for Tama, Ibanez and Aria (at that time the small workshop where they worked was in the company Hoshino Gakki who own Tama and Ibanez). They also built guitars in the Kohno-Sakurai style (models #8, #10, #15) that were sold with the "Juan Orozco, Luthier" label. Later the Orozco guitars were equipped with a very characteristic headstock, different from the Fleta-style headstocks they had first. In the majority of user reviews, the majestic volume and sonorous bass sound of Juan Orozco guitars are emphasised.
Juan Orozco III is still active in the guitar business, in particular with the "Aranjuez" strings that he developed, and guitar cases. He also organised guitar concerts and is well known by many great guitar players and luthiers.