Mexican people convicted of murder


José Ernesto Medellín Rojas (March 4, 1975 – August 5, 2008), born in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, was a Mexican national who was executed by lethal injection for the murders of Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Peña in Houston, Texas.
Medellín was convicted of raping and killing 16-year-old Peña and 14-year-old Ertman in June 1993.His case gained notoriety when Mexico sued the United States in the International Court of Justice on behalf of 51 Mexican nationals asserting that the US had violated the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, which requires that local authorities inform foreign nationals being held on criminal charges of their right to consult with their country's diplomats. That court ruled that the United States was obliged to have the defendants' cases reopened and reconsidered. The Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear the case on May 1, 2007.The Bush administration briefed the Supreme Court on the obligation to comply with international treaties. On March 25, 2008, in Medellín v. Texas, the court rejected the Bush administration's arguments and cleared the way for Texas to execute the sentence. The International Court of Justice later ruled that the United States had violated its treaty obligations.


Raúl Osiel Marroquín Reyes (born September 1, 1980), also known as El Sádico, is a Mexican kidnapper and serial killer responsible for six kidnappings, four of which ended in murder, in Mexico City.He was an organized killer, motivated by hate and discrimination. All his victims were homosexual men, for which he has become a symbol for homophobia in Mexico.


Juana Dayanara Barraza Samperio (born 27 December 1957) is a Mexican serial killer and former professional wrestler dubbed La Mataviejitas (Sp. "The Little Old Lady Killer") sentenced to 759 years in prison for the killing of 16 elderly women. The first murder attributed to Mataviejitas has been dated variously to the late 1990s and to a specific killing on 17 November 2003. The authorities and the press have given various estimates as to the total number of the Mataviejitas victims, with estimates ranging from 42 to 48 deaths. After the arrest of Juana Barraza the case of the Mataviejitas was officially closed despite more than 30 unresolved cases. Araceli Vázquez and Mario Tablas were also arrested in 2005 and called by police and media The Mataviejitas.


Angel Maturino Reséndiz (August 1, 1959 – June 27, 2006), also known as The Railroad Killer, was a Mexican serial killer suspected in as many as 23 murders across the United States and Mexico during the 1990s. Some also involved sexual assault. He had become known as "The Railroad Killer", as most of his crimes were committed near railroads, where he had jumped off the trains which he was using to travel around the country.
On June 21, 1999, he briefly became the 457th fugitive listed by the FBI on its Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list, before he surrendered to the Texas authorities on July 13, 1999. He was convicted of capital murder in Texas, and executed by lethal injection in 2006.


Sara María Aldrete Villareal (born September 6, 1964) is a Mexican serial killer who was convicted of murder while heading a drug-smuggling and human sacrifice cult with Adolfo Constanzo. The members of the cult, dubbed by the media as The Narcosatanists (Spanish: "Los Narcosatánicos"), called her The Godmother ("La Madrina"), with Constanzo as "The Godfather" ("El Padrino"). The cult was involved in multiple ritualistic killings in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, including the murder of Mark Kilroy, an American student killed in Matamoros in 1989. She received a sentence of 62 years.


Ramón Bojórquez Salcido (born March 6, 1961) is a Mexican convicted spree killer who is currently on death row in California's San Quentin State Prison. He was convicted for the 1989 murders of six female family members and one male supervisor at his workplace. His victims included his wife and two of his daughters, four-year-old Sofía and 22-month-old Teresa. A third daughter, three-year-old Carmina, was left lying in a field beside the bodies of her sisters for thirty-six hours after being slashed across the throat by her father but was eventually rescued.Salcido's victims were killed in the cities of Sonoma and Cotati, California. Maria, Marion, and Ruth Richards were killed at a house at Lakewood Drive in Cotati, and Salcido's relatives and Toovey were killed in Sonoma.