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Marie Odette Goimbault (10 August 1901 – 26 March 1987), known professionally as Mary Odette, was a French-born film actress.Odette starred in a number of films made by Astra Films. After the slump of 1924 dramatically reduced the number of British films being made, she appeared in several continental European productions. She retired from films in 1928, shortly before the arrival of sound films in Britain.


María de la O Lejárraga García (28 December 1874 – 28 June 1974), usually known in Spanish under the pseudonym María Martínez Sierra was a Spanish feminist writer, dramatist, translator and politician. She collaborated with her husband Gregorio Martínez Sierra.


Fernand Pouillon (14 May 1912 – 24 July 1986) was a French architect, urban planner, building contractor and writer.Pouillon was one of the most active and influential post-World War II architects and builders in France. He is remembered for his use of ‘noble’ building materials (especially stone), his seamless integration of all phases of the building process, his inexpensive and efficient building techniques and for his harmonious juxtaposition of forms. He was a humanist, as well as an architect.:6 His stated goal was to meet human needs, and especially, those of middle-class and poorer families who faced severe shortages of dignified housing in the post-War period.:16 Due to his success, ostentation and his imperious personality, he attracted the jealousy and ill-will of many. His was a tumultuous life, including prison time and a prison escape. Some architectural critics say he will be remembered as one of the great French architects of the 20th century.