Academic staff of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


M. Rainer Lepsius (8 May 1928 – 2 October 2014) was a German sociologist. A particular interest was in the work of Max Weber: he was prominent among the co-compilers of the (eventually) 47 volume edition of the Complete Works of Weber.


Gerhard Rohlfs (July 14, 1892 – September 12, 1986) was a German linguist. He taught Romance languages and literature at the universities in Tübingen and Munich. He was described as an "archeologist of words".


Klaus Paul Alfred Clusius (19 March 1903 – 28 May 1963) was a German physical chemist from Breslau (Wrocław), Silesia. During World War II, he worked on the German nuclear energy project, also known as the Uranium Club; he worked on isotope separation techniques and heavy water production. After the war, he was a professor of physical chemistry at the University of Zurich. He died in Zurich.


Friedrich Weber, Dr. (30 January 1892 – 19 July 1955) was an instructor in veterinary medicine at the University of Munich. In World War I he served in the Royal Bavarian 1st Heavy Cavalry Regiment "Prince Karl of Bavaria". He was the leader of the Oberland League and ranked alongside Adolf Hitler, Erich Ludendorff, Ernst Röhm and Hermann Kriebel as one of the chief conspirators of the Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923. He was convicted along with Hitler in 1924 but continued to head the Oberland League until 1929.
After his release from prison, he set up a private vet practice in Munich and continued close contact with Hitler being given a lucrative position in Berlin after Hitler's accession to power in 1933. He became an army vet late in World War II. After the war, he was interned by U.S. occupation authorities and heavily fined for war profiteering, but continued to practise veterinary medicine, eventually dying in reduced circumstances in 1955.


Moritz Geiger (26 June 1880 – 9 September 1937) was a German philosopher and a disciple of Edmund Husserl. He was a member of the Munich phenomenological school. Beside phenomenology, he dedicated himself to psychology, epistemology and aesthetics.


Oskar Perron (7 May 1880 – 22 February 1975) was a German mathematician.
He was a professor at the University of Heidelberg from 1914 to 1922 and at the University of Munich from 1922 to 1951. He made numerous contributions to differential equations and partial differential equations, including the Perron method to solve the Dirichlet problem for elliptic partial differential equations. He wrote an encyclopedic book on continued fractions Die Lehre von den Kettenbrüchen. He introduced Perron's paradox to illustrate the danger of assuming that the solution of an optimization problem exists:

Let N be the largest positive integer. If N > 1, then N2 > N, contradicting the definition of N. Hence N = 1.


Carl von Hess (7 March 1863, in Mainz – 28 June 1923, in Possenhofen) was a German ophthalmologist known for his work in ocular physiology.
He studied medicine at the universities of Heidelberg, Bonn and Strasbourg, then traveled to Prague, where he worked with ophthalmologist Hubert Sattler and physiologist Ewald Hering. In 1891 he obtained his habilitation from the University of Leipzig, and later on, he held professorships at the universities of Marburg (from 1896), Würzburg (from 1900) and Munich (from 1912).He made significant contributions in his studies of refraction and accommodation of the eye. He also conducted research on color vision in the various retinal zones, on the various forms of color blindness, of simultaneous contrast, on afterimages of moving objects and of light-dark adaptation. In addition, he performed comparative physiological studies on light sense and color vision involving animals, in invertebrates as well as vertebrates. Along with Paul Römer, he made the discovery that trachoma is transmissible to monkeys.His name is associated with the "Hess afterimage", defined as a positive afterimage that occurs third in the series of afterimages that are the result of exposure to a brief light stimulus (sequentially, the first afterimage is referred to as a "Hering afterimage", the second as a "Purkinje afterimage"). The Hess afterimage is defined as a physiological illusion. There are also several surgical instruments that are named after him.


Theodor Escherich (German pronunciation: [ˈteːodoːɐ̯ ˈʔɛʃəʁɪç]; 29 November 1857 – 15 February 1911) was a German-Austrian pediatrician and a professor at universities in Graz and Vienna. He discovered and described the bacterium Escherichia coli.