Articles with BNFdata identifiers


Theodor Albrecht Edwin Klebs (6 February 1834 – 23 October 1913) was a German-Swiss microbiologist. He is mainly known for his work on infectious diseases. His works paved the way for the beginning of modern bacteriology, and inspired Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. He was the first to identify a bacterium that causes diphtheria, which was called Klebs–Loeffler bacterium (now Corynebacterium diphtheriae). He was the father of physician Arnold Klebs.


Helge Holden (born 28 September 1956) is a Norwegian mathematician working in the field of differential equations and mathematical physics. He was Praeses of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters from 2014 to 2016.
He earned the dr.philos. degree at the University of Oslo in 1985. The title of his dissertation with Raphael Høegh-Krohn was Point Interactions and the Short-Range Expansion. A Solvable Model in Quantum Mechanics and Its Approximation. He was appointed professor at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (now: the Norwegian University of Science and Technology ) in 1991. His research interests are Differential equations, mathematical physics (in particular hyperbolic conservation laws and completely integrable systems), Stochastic analysis, and flow in porous media.
In 2014 he became Chairman of the board of the Abel Prize fund.He was elected Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) for the period 2019–2022.


Jefferson Antonio Galves (18 June 1947 – 5 September 2023) was a Brazilian mathematician, professor of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (USP) and member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. His field of studies was related to statistical models, in particular models that have stochasticity and variable range of memory. Galves was also the leader of NeuroMat, a research center established in 2013 at USP that is dedicated to integrating mathematical modeling and theoretical neuroscience.


Christian Møller (22 December 1904 in Hundslev, Als – 14 January 1980 in Ordrup) was a Danish chemist and physicist who made fundamental contributions to the theory of relativity, theory of gravitation and quantum chemistry. He is known for Møller–Plesset perturbation theory and Møller scattering.
His suggestion in 1938 to Otto Frisch that the newly discovered process of nuclear fission might create surplus energy, led Frisch to conceive of the concept of the nuclear chain reaction, leading to the Frisch–Peierls memorandum, which kick-started the development of nuclear energy through the MAUD Committee and the Manhattan Project.Møller was the director of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)'s Theoretical Study Group between 1954 and 1957 and later a member of the same organization's Scientific Policy Committee (1959-1972).


Bente Kahan (born 23 September 1958) is a Norwegian solo vocalist, actress, musician, director and playwright, best known for her renditions and productions of Yiddish folk music and plays. Since 2002 she has lived and worked in Poland.