Articles with BNF identifiers


Alê Abreu (born March 6, 1971) is a Brazilian film director and screenwriter. Sírius, his first short film, debuted at the 1993 Anima Mundi as the only Brazilian animation that year. It won the Best Film Award at the Festival de Cine para Niños y Jovenes and was also screened at the Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo and at the section Animation for Children of the Hiroshima International Animation Festival. His second short film, Espantalho (lit. "Scarecrow"), released in 1998, won the 3rd Best Brazilian Animation at the Anima Mundi, the Best Art Direction Award at the Brazilian Film Festival of Miami, and was nominated for Best Animated Feature at the 1st Grande Prêmio Cinema Brasil. His first feature film, Garoto Cósmico, debuted at the 2007 Anima Mundi. In 2013, at the Ottawa International Animation Festival, he released his second film, Boy and the World. This film became an international success, was nominated at the 88th Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature, and won several prizes, including the Best Feature Film at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival and the Best Animated Feature-Independent at the Annie Awards.


Ernst Penzoldt (14 June 1892 – 27 January 1955) was a German writer, sculptor and painter.
Penzoldt was born in Erlangen. He had three older brothers. His father Franz Penzoldt was a German professor of medicine. From 1912 he studied sculpture in Weimar, under German sculpture professor Albin Egger-Lienz. In Weimar he met his friend Günther Stolle. In 1913 Penzoldt and Stolle went to university in Kassel. During World War I Petzoldt was in the army and worked as an emergency medical technician. In 1917 his friend Stolle died on active service.
After World War I Penzoldt lived in 1919 in Munich. There he met his next partner, Ernst Heimeran. Heimeran started his own publishing company, Heimeran Verlag. During the next years Penzoldt wrote several works, which he published in Heimeran Verlag. In 1922 Penzoldt married Heimerans sister Friederike. They had two children: Günther (1923–1997) and Ulrike (born 1927). He died, aged 62, in Munich.


Thomas Ebbesen (born 30 January 1954) is a Franco-Norwegian physical chemist and professor at the University of Strasbourg in France, known for his pioneering work in nanoscience. He received the Kavli Prize in Nanoscience “for transformative contributions to the field of nano-optics that have broken long-held beliefs about the limitations of the resolution limits of optical microscopy and imaging”, together with Stefan Hell, and Sir John Pendry in 2014.


Per Thomas Andersen (8 February 1954 - 13 December 2023) was a Norwegian literary historian and novelist.
He was appointed professor at the University of Tromsø from 1992, and at the University of Oslo from 1993. His thesis from 1992 treated the decadence of Scandinavian literature of the period from 1880 to 1900. Among his other scientific works are Stein Mehren – en logosdikter from 1982, Norsk litteraturhistorie from 2001, and Tankevaser from 2003. He published the novels Hold in 1985 and Arr in 1992. He was a fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. In 2023 he received the King's Medal of Merit.


Harald Lie (21 November 1902 – 23 May 1942) was a Norwegian composer. He died young of tuberculosis and is mainly remembered for one composition, Skindvengbrev ("A Bat's Letter"), an orchestral song after his own wind quintet.The poem Skinnvengbrev ("A Bat's Letter") is by Aslaug Vaa and was also later set by Geirr Tveitt; it begins "Eg trudde eingong du hadde gøymt deg, at både du og Gud ha gløymt meg,.." (English: "Once I thought you had gone hiding, that I was forgotten by you and By God, and I was the least of created things"). Kirsten Flagstad recorded Lie's orchestral song, together with a less well known song by Lie, Nykelen ("The Key"), with the London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Øivin Fjeldstad.


Dagne Groven Myhren (born 1940) is a Norwegian literature researcher, folk musician and educator. Her literary studies have included significant works on Henrik Wergeland (earning her a PhD) and on Norwegian folk poetry. As a singer, she has focused on the traditional songs of Telemark, frequently contributing to radio programmes. Until her retirement in 2003, she was professor of Nordic Studies at the University of Oslo.