21st-century American historians


Richard Joseph Jensen (born October 24, 1941) is an American historian and Wikipedia editor. He was a professor of history at the University of Illinois, Chicago, from 1973 to 1996. He has worked on American political, social, military, and economic history as well as historiography and quantitative and computer methods. His work focuses on Midwestern electoral history. He authored The Winning of the Midwest and Historian's Guide to Statistics.


Louis Weil (May 10, 1935 – March 9, 2022) was an American Episcopal priest, liturgical scholar, and seminary professor. He was a member of the committee that drafted and proposed the 1979 Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church.
A graduate of Southern Methodist University (1956) and Harvard (MA 1958), he was ordained to the priesthood on January 1, 1962, for the Episcopal Diocese of California by the Right Reverend Joseph Harte of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona following studies at the General Theological Seminary in New York. He completed doctoral studies on the history of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut at the Institut Catholique de Paris.
Weil taught at the former Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Caribbean from 1961 to 1971, Nashotah House Theological Seminary from 1971 to 1988, and the Church Divinity School of the Pacific from 1988 until his retirement in 2009. Weil also lectured at the School of Theology at The University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee and the General Theological Seminary. He was a member of the Lutheran-Episcopal Dialogue from 1976 to 1980. Weil was a widely published author who was a member of the Latin American Theological Education Commission, Societas Liturgica, the North American Academy of Liturgy, and the Episcopal Church Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (1985–1991). He died in Oakland, California, on March 9, 2022, at the age of 86.


Peter Nathaniel Stearns (born March 3, 1936) is a professor at George Mason University, where he was provost from January 1, 2000 to July 2014.Stearns was chair of the Department of History at Carnegie Mellon University and also served as the Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (now named Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences) at Carnegie Mellon University. In addition, he founded and edited the Journal of Social History. While at Carnegie Mellon, he developed a pioneering approach to teaching World History, and has contributed to the field as well through editing, and contributing to, the Routledge series, Themes in World History. He is also known for various work on the nature and impact of the industrial revolution and for exploration of new topics, particularly in the history of emotions.
He is active in historical groups such as the American Historical Association, the Society for French Historical Studies, the Social Science History Association and the International Society for Research on Emotion.


Jerry Don Thompson (born November 21, 1942) is Regents Piper Professor of History at Texas A&M International University in Laredo, Texas. He is a prolific author of books on a variety of related topics, specializing in the American Civil War, the history of the Southwestern United States, and Texas history. According to WorldCat, two of his books are available from more than six hundred major libraries worldwide – Confederate General of the West: Henry Hopkins Sibley, and Civil War in the Southwest: Recollections of the Sibley Brigade.


Robert Farris Thompson (December 30, 1932 – November 29, 2021) was an American art historian and writer who specialized in Africa and the Afro-Atlantic world. He was a member of the faculty at Yale University from 1965 to his retirement more than fifty years later and served as the Colonel John Trumbull Professor of the History of Art. Thompson coined the term "black Atlantic" in his 1983 book Flash of the Spirit: African and Afro-American Art and Philosophy – the expanded subject of Paul Gilroy's book The Black Atlantic.He lived in the Yoruba region of southwest Nigeria while he conducted his research of Yoruba arts history. He was affiliated with the University of Ibadan and frequented Yoruba village communities. Thompson studied the African arts of the diaspora in the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, and several Caribbean islands.


Marshall Trimble (born 1939) is an American author, singer, former community college professor, and Arizona's official state historian. In addition to his position as director of Southwest studies at Scottsdale Community College, he is a popular speaker and True West Magazine's question-and-answer man.