Soci\u00e9taires of the Com\u00e9die-Fran\u00e7aise


Clair Josèphe Hippolyte Leris (25 January 1723 – 29 January 1803), known as Mademoiselle Clairon or La Clairon was a French actress, born at Condé-sur-l'Escaut, Hainaut, the daughter of an army sergeant. She is primarily known for developing a new style of acting in which she encouraged focus on the emotional connection between the actor and the character they played instead of what she saw as the stiff portrayals of characters traditionally performed in one manner.In 1736 she made her first stage appearance, at age 12, at the Comédie Italienne, a small part in Pierre de Marivaux's L'Île des esclaves. After several years in the provinces she returned to Paris. Her memoirs, Mémoires d'Hippolyte Clairon (1798) are filled with her own thoughts about the acting styles and theatrical elements such as makeup and costume. In her memoirs, she establishes her opinions on a new style of acting in which the actor use inspiration from their own emotions and experiences in order to create a greater lasting impact on the audience. She was particularly against actors performing characters the exact same way as those who came before them because she thought it produced stiff, uninteresting patterns that an audience would become too familiar with. Her memoirs also include anecdotes about what she perceived as a regular supernatural occurrence in her life (the haunting of a ghost from a past suitor), providing insight into the mind and social life of Mademoiselle Clairon off the stage.She had great difficulty in obtaining an order to make her debut at the Comédie-Française. Succeeding, however, at last, she had the courage to select the title-role of Phèdre, and she obtained a veritable triumph. During her twenty-two years at this theatre, dividing the honors with her rival Marie Françoise Dumesnil, she filled many of the classical roles of tragedy, and created a great number of parts in the plays of Voltaire, Marmontel, Bernard-Joseph Saurin, de Belloy and others.
She retired in 1766, and trained pupils for the stage, among them Mlle Raucourt. Oliver Gunusualth called Mlle Clairon "the most perfect female figure I have ever seen on any stage" (The Bee, 2nd No.); and David Garrick, recognizing her unwillingness or inability to make use of the inspiration of the instant, admitted that she has everything that art and a good understanding with great natural spirit can give her.
She was a mistress of Charles Alexander, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, who renovated his "White Castle" at his country seat and hunting estate in Triesdorf for her.


Charles Gustave Auguste le Bargy (28 August 1858 – 5 February 1936) was a French actor and early film director.
He was born at La Chapelle (Seine). His talent both as a comedian and a serious actor was soon made evident, and he became a member of the Comédie-Française, his chief successes being in such plays as Le Duel, L'Enigme, Le Marquis de Priola, L'Autre Danger, and Le Dedale. His wife, Simone Le Bargy (née Benda), an accomplished actress, made her debut at the Gymnase in 1902, and in later years had a great success in La Rafale and of her plays. In 1910 he had differences with the authorities of the Comédie-Française and ceased to be a societaire.He acted in and directed several early French films, starting with L'Assassinat du duc de Guise (1908) and La Tosca (1909).


François Jules Edmond Got (1 October 1822, in Lignerolles, Orne – 21 March 1901, in Passy, a district in Paris) was a French stage actor, comedian, and opera librettist.
Edmond Got entered the Conservatoire in 1841, winning the second prize for comedy that year and the first in 1842. After a year of military service he made his debut at the Comédie Française on 17 July 1844, as Alexis in Les Héritiers and Mascarelles in Les Précieuses ridicules. He was immediately admitted pensionnaire, and became sociétaire in 1850. By special permission of the emperor in 1866 he played at the Odéon in Emile Augier's Contagion. His golden jubilee at the Théâtre Français was celebrated in 1894, and he made his final appearance the year after.Got was a fine representative of the grand style of French acting, and was much admired in England as well as in Paris. He wrote two librettos for operas by Edmond Membrée (1820-1892), François Villon (1857) and L'Esclave (1874). In 1881, he was decorated with the cross of the Legion of Honour.