20th-century American male writers


(John) Wallace Carroll (December 5, 1906 – July 28, 2002) was an American journalist, newspaper editor, and publisher, known for his 1968 editorial “Vietnam — Quo Vadis?” which called for an end to the Vietnam War and influenced President Lyndon B. Johnson’s initial withdrawal of troops from the conflict. Carroll at the time was the editor and publisher of the Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinel (1963-1974). Recognized as among the best of his generation of journalists, Carroll had previously worked as news editor for the Washington Bureau of The New York Times (1955-1963), as executive editor of the Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinel (1949-1955) and as a foreign correspondent for United Press in Europe (1929-1942). From 1942 to 1945 he headed the European division of the United States Office of War Information, charged with all propaganda efforts aimed at Nazi-conquered Europe during World War II. He was also the father of journalist John Carroll, the former editor of the Baltimore Sun, the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Los Angeles Times.


Elting Elmore Morison (December 14, 1909, Milwaukee, Wisconsin – April 20, 1995, Peterborough, New Hampshire) was an American historian of technology, military biographer, author of nonfiction books, and essayist. He was an MIT professor and the founder of MIT's Science, Technology, and Society (STS) program.


Theodore Saloutos (August 3, 1910 – November 15, 1980) was an American historian. His areas of research included agrarian politics and reform movements, immigration studies, and Greek immigration to the United States


Henry Cedric Scholberg (May 29, 1921 – August 4, 2012) was director and librarian of the Ames Library of South Asia at the University of Minnesota. His works include bibliographies on Indian encyclopedias, on manuals and gazetteers of India, and on the Portuguese in India. He also authored other scholarly works, plays and novels, as well as his own memoirs.


Mark Dunn (born July 12, 1956, in Memphis, Tennessee) is an American author and playwright. He studied film at Memphis State University (now the University of Memphis) followed by post-graduate work in screenwriting at the University of Texas at Austin moving to New York in 1987 where he worked in the New York Public Library while writing plays in his free time.
Among the 35 plays Dunn has written (as of 2023), Belles and Five Tellers Dancing in the Rain have been produced over one hundred and fifty times. Dunn served as playwright-in-residence with the New Jersey Repertory Company and the Community Theatre League in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.Dunn is the author of the popular "progressively lipogrammatic" novel Ella Minnow Pea (2001).
In 1998, Dunn sued the writers, distributors and producers of The Truman Show, claiming that the story was based on a play he had written and performed Off-Broadway in 1992, Frank's Life.


David Darryl Galloway (born 5 May 1937 – 28 December 2019) was an American novelist, curator, journalist and academic. A graduate of Harvard University, he was the founding curator of the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, a longtime contributor to the International Herald Tribune, an emeritus professor at the Ruhr University Bochum and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. The last decades of his life he resided in both France (Forcalquier) and Germany.