Articles with BNMM identifiers


Avraham Gabriel Yehoshua (Hebrew: אברהם גבריאל (בולי) יהושע; December 9, 1936 – June 14, 2022) was an Israeli novelist, essayist, and playwright. The New York Times called him the "Israeli Faulkner". Underlying themes in Yehoshua's work are Jewish identity, the tense relations with non-Jews, the conflict between the older and younger generations, and the clash between religion and politics.


Julián Marías Aguilera (17 June 1914 – 15 December 2005) was a Spanish philosopher associated with the Generation of '36 movement. He was a pupil of the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset and member of the Madrid School.


Beppo Levi (14 May 1875 – 28 August 1961) was an Italian mathematician. He published high-level academic articles and books, not only on mathematics, but also on physics, history, philosophy, and pedagogy. Levi was a member of the Bologna Academy of Sciences and of the Accademia dei Lincei.


Étienne-Ossian Henry (27 November 1798 in Paris – 26 August 1873) was a French chemist, son of Noël-Étienne Henry (1769–1832), and trained by his father, who was director of the Central Pharmacy of the Parisian hospitals and professor in the School of Pharmacy. In 1824, he became director of the chemical laboratory of the Academy of Medicine. He discovered sinapin and studied mineral waters, the milk of various animals, nicotine, and tannin. In 1827, with Auguste-Arthur Plisson, who had studied under his father, he discovered aspartic acid.In 1845, he invented the first true burette for titration, which is a widely used device in analytical chemistry and related fields.His son was Emmanuel-Ossian Henry (1826-1867).


Émile Charles Achard (24 July 1860 – 7 August 1944) was a French internist born in Paris.In Paris, he served as médecin des hôpitaux (from 1893), later becoming a professor of general pathology and therapeutics. In 1910, he was appointed professor of internal medicine at the University of Paris (Hôpital Beaujon). During his career, he also served as a physician at Hôpital Cochin.

In 1896, along with Raoul Bensaude (1866–1938), he identified a disease he called paratyphoid fever. They were able to isolate the cause of illness to a microbe now classified as salmonella paratyphi B.
A postmenopausal condition known as "diabetic-bearded woman syndrome" is sometimes referred to as "Achard-Thiers syndrome", and the eponymous "Achard syndrome" is a disorder characterized by arachnodactyly, brachycephaly, a receding lower jaw and joint laxity in the extremities.In 1897, along with internist Joseph Castaigne (1871–1951), he developed a urinary test using methylene blue dye for examining the excretory function of the kidneys. The procedure was to become known as the "Achard-Castaigne test". With Castaigne and Georges Maurice Debove (1845–1920), he published Manuel des maladies du tube digestif.


Giacomo Lauri-Volpi (11 December 1892 – 17 March 1979) was an Italian tenor with a lyric voice of exceptional range and technical facility. He performed throughout Europe and the Americas in a top-class career that spanned 40 years.