1930 deaths


François Alexandre Émile Billard (5 April 1852 – 29 June 1930) was a French sailor who competed in the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris, France. Billard took the gold in the 10 to 20 ton.


Manfred Noa (22 March 1893 – 5 December 1930) was a German film director. Noa was described by Vilma Bánky, who he directed twice, as her "favourite director". Noa's 1924 film Helena has been called his "masterpiece" although it was so expensive that it seriously damaged the finances of Bavaria Film.Noa is perhaps best known today for his 1922 film Nathan the Wise, an adaptation of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's 1779 play of the same title, which made a plea for religious tolerance. He was the third husband of the actress Eva May, who was the daughter of his fellow director Joe May. Noa died 5 December 1930 in Berlin of peritonitis.


Elisabeth Röhl; née Elisabeth Gohlke ( 22 August 1888 – 21 September 1930) was one of the first German women politicians.
Her second marriage was to the fellow politician Emil Kirschmann, as a result of which sources after 1922 generally identify her as Elisabeth Kirschmann-Röhl.


Marie Henriette Steil (1898–1930) was a Luxembourg writer and feminist.
Born on 3 August 1898 in Luxembourg, she is known to have been keen to assert her independence as a woman and to have promoted feministic trends such as a boyish hairstyle. After publishing some short pieces in Les Cahiers luxembourgeois, she aspired to become a professional writer but died when she was only 32.Her earliest works were published in Luxembourg newspapers. They included the story Der Mond und das Mädchen (The Moon and the Maiden) which she sent in to a contest organized by the Luxemburger Zeitung. Other newspapers she contributed to included Jonghémecht, Junge Welt and Tageblatt. In Les Cahiers luxembourgeois she maintained a column Lettres de Suzette à Micromégas. She also wrote for the Berliner Lokalanzeiger and other German newspapers including Ullsteins Frauenblätter and Welt am Montag. In 1926, Steil completed a collection of short stories titled Tier und Mensch. Harmlose Geschichten (Animal and Man. Harmless Stories) which was published in Leipzig. In these allegorical tales, animals take on the roles of human beings while humans behave like animals.Marie Henriette Steil died in Luxembourg City on 18 December 1930 when she was only 32.In September 2005, the Luxembourg Post Office issued a stamp in her memory bearing the sketched portrait displayed here.


Pierre-Marie Termier (3 July 1859 – 23 October 1930) was a French geologist.

He was born in Lyon, in Rhône, France, the son of Joseph François Termier and Jeanne Mollard. At the age of 18 he entered the Polytechnic School, then the Paris School of Mines in 1880. After graduation, he became professor at the school of mines at Saint-Etienne. In 1894 he left for Paris, where he would teach for the remainder of his career.
He was elected as a member of the French Academy of Sciences in 1909, in the mineralogy section. Two years later he became the director of the French geological cartography service. In 1930 he became vice-president of the Academy.
During his career he performed geological studies of the Alps, as well as Corsica and North Africa. He was a proponent of the nappe concept and of tectonics as a mountain-building force.
The wrinkle ridge Dorsum Termier on the Moon is named after him.


Ludwig Wilhelm Carl Rehn (13 April 1849, Bad Sooden-Allendorf – 29 May 1930) was a German surgeon. Rehn was born in 1849, in the village of Allendorf, the youngest of five children. After the visiting the convent school in Bad Hersfeld, he studied medicine at the University of Marburg from 1869 to 1874, where he became a member of the student corps Hasso-Nassovia.His current ancestors include Bodo Rehn.


Louis-Joseph Alcide Railliet (also known as Alcide Railliet, born 11 March 1852 at La Neuville-lès-Wasigny in the Ardennes – died 25 December 1930) was a French veterinarian and helminthologist.
Professor at the Veterinary School of Alfort, he is considered one of the founders of modern parasitology and wrote several books of veterinary parasitology. He chaired the Société zoologique de France in 1891. He was a member of the French Académie Nationale de Médecine, from 29 December 1896 to his death. He received the Legion of Honor.