Vocation : Writers : Sci-Fi/ Fantasy/ Horror


Bernard Werber (born 18 September 1961 in Toulouse) is a French science fiction writer, active since the 1990s. He is chiefly recognized for having written the trilogy Les Fourmis, the only one of his novels to have been published in English. This series weaves together philosophy, spirituality, science fiction, thriller, science, mythology and consciousness.


Pierre Dubois (born 19 July 1945), is a French specialist in fairy tales and folklore. He is an author, Franco-Belgian comics scriptwriter, and lecturer on fairies and little people in France. His style of fantasy is primarily Anglo-Saxon, after the manner of authors such as Bram Stoker, Mary Webb and Charlotte Brontë. He coined the term elficology (elficologie) as a name for the study of the "little people" (fairies and other similar beings), originally as a joke.
Fascinated at a young age with fairy tales and Fairytale fantasy, he became an illustrator after studying Fine Arts for a short period. His first comic book was published in 1986. Since then he has produced one annually and made regular appearances on television and at conferences relating to fairy tales, dreams and legends related to fairies. Because of his encyclopedias of fairies, imps, and elves, published in the 1990s, Dubois won international recognition as a French specialist in magic.


Gérard Klein (born 1937), known also as Gilles , is a French science fiction writer with sociological training.
He is the editor of the prestigious science fiction series Ailleurs et Demain published by Robert Laffont and of the Le Livre de Poche science-fiction imprint.
In his novella Les virus ne parlent pas ("The viruses do not speak"), he imagines that viruses have created all living beings in the same fashion that human beings have created computers, and for the same reason: to improve their efficiency.
Klein used the pseudonym "Gilles d'Argyre" for his novels published by Editions Fleuve Noir for their series Anticipation.
Several of his novels were published in translation by DAW Books in the United States.


J.-H. Rosny aîné was the pseudonym of Joseph Henri Honoré Boex (17 February 1856 – 11 February 1940). He is a French author of Belgian origin, he is considered as one of the founding figures of the modern science fiction[citation needed] . Born in Brussels in 1856. He wrote in French in collaboration with his younger-brother Séraphin Justin François Boex under the pen name J.-H. Rosny until 1909. After they ended their collaboration, Joseph Boex continued to write under the name "Rosny aîné" (Rosny the Elder) while his brother used J.-H. Rosny jeune (Rosny the Younger).


René Daumal (French: [domal]; 16 March 1908 – 21 May 1944) was a French spiritual para-surrealist writer, critic and poet, best known for his posthumously published novel Mount Analogue (1952) as well as for being an early, outspoken practitioner of pataphysics.