Dutch women painters


Jo Bauer-Stumpff (5 September 1873 – 19 December 1964) was a Dutch painter.
Bauer-Stumpff was born in Amsterdam and trained at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten there, where she studied under August Allebé. Her father William Stumpff was director-general at the Royal Dutch theatre. She was a member of Arti et Amicitiae (where she won a medal in 1952) and the Hollandse Aquarellisten Kring and is considered one of the Amsterdamse Joffers.In 1902 she married the painter Marius Bauer. The couple lived in Villa Stamboel in Aerdenhout and lived in Amsterdam from 1916. They made trips abroad to the Dutch East Indies and Egypt. She stopped painting almost altogether after marriage and cared for her husband. The marriage was childless. After his death, she became more active as an artist again. She is known for still lifes and portraits. Her pupils were Ans van den Berg, Frederik Henderik de Meester, and Hillegonda Henriëtte Tellekamp.Bauer-Stumpff died in Amsterdam.


Adriana Johanna Wilhelmina (Jeanne) Bieruma Oosting (1898–1994) was a Dutch sculptor, engraver, graphic artist, lithographer, illustrator, glass artist, painter, illustrator and book designer.
She studied at the School of Arts and Applied Arts in Haarlem, the Academy of Art in The Hague and the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere in Paris.
As a graphic artist, she is best known for designs for book covers, designs for stained-glass, bookplates, stamps and crafted artwork about trees, interiors, landscapes, mountain landscapes, portraits, self-portraits, figure shows, cityscapes, still lifes, flower paintings, fruit still lifes, and gardens.
She was invested as a Knight of the Order of Orange Nassau. She won a bronze medal in Paris at the World Exhibition of 1937; Painter price of Friesland in 1943 and the first international peace prize and Arti Medal in 1971.
She was a member of Pulchri Studio, Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam, and the Association for Craft and Art Industry (VANK) (since April 1927), the Dutch Watercolourists Circuit, and the Society for the Promotion of Graphic Arts. She etched the illustrations in Adriaan Roland Holst's 1937 book of poems, Een winter aan zee (A Winter at the Sea).In 1970 funds were made available for the establishment of the Jeanne Oosting Prize, issuing two oeuvre awards each year to artists who work in a figurative style. Since 1994, these awards are given by the Jeanne Oosting Foundation.


Nelly van Doesburg (née Petronella Johanna van Moorsel; 27 July 1899 in The Hague – 1 October 1975 in Meudon) was a Dutch avant-garde musician, dancer, artist and art collector. She performed under her dadaïst alias Pétro van Doesburg and used the pseudonym Cupera for her work as a painter.