Composers for the classical guitar


Raúl Borges Requena (4 February 1882 – 24 November 1967) was a Venezuelan pedagogue, guitarist and composer.
Borges is mainly known today for having taught Alirio Díaz, Antonio Lauro, Rodrigo Riéra, and other Venezuelan guitarists. Many of his compositions for guitar were published in Madrid with Union Musical Española, including:

Canción antigua
Canción de cuna in D (also in G)
El Criollito
Fuente morisca
Vals Venezolano
Vals sobre motivos franceses


Miguel Llobet Solés (18 October 1878 – 22 February 1938) was a classical guitarist, born in Barcelona, Spain. Llobet was a renowned virtuoso who toured Europe and America extensively. He made well known arrangements of Catalan folk songs for the solo guitar, made famous arrangements for the guitar of the piano compositions of Isaac Albéniz, arrangements immortalized by Andrés Segovia, and was also the composer of original works.


Filippo Gragnani (3 September 1768 – 28 July 1820) was an Italian guitarist and composer.
Gragnani was born in Livorno, the son of Antonio Gragnani. From a family of notable luthiers and musicians, Gragnani studied music in his home town with Giulio Maria Lucchesi. He began with the violin but later devoted himself to the guitar, becoming known as a virtuoso performer.

Gragnani first published works for guitar and chamber music in Milan around the beginning of the 19th century with the publishers Ricordi and Monzino. During these times he travelled to Germany and settled in Paris by 1810, a center of performance and music publishing. There he befriended and became a pupil of Ferdinando Carulli, another Italian virtuoso. Gragnani dedicated three of his guitar duets to him, and in turn Carulli dedicated some duets to Gragnani.Little is known about Gragnani after 1812. The "Registro dei Morti" (Register of Deaths) of the Church of St. Martino di Salviano in Livorno indicates he died on 28 July 1820.


Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar (8 December 1882 – 24 April 1948), known in Mexico as Manuel M. Ponce, was a Mexican composer active in the 20th century. His work as a composer, music educator and scholar of Mexican music connected the concert scene with a mostly forgotten tradition of popular song and Mexican folklore. Many of his compositions are strongly influenced by the harmonies and form of traditional songs.


Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (3 April 1895 – 16 March 1968) was an Italian composer, pianist and writer. He was known as one of the foremost guitar composers in the twentieth century with almost one hundred compositions for that instrument. In 1939 he immigrated to the United States and became a film composer for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer for some 200 Hollywood movies for the next fifteen years. He also wrote concertos for Jascha Heifetz and Gregor Piatigorsky.


Georges Elbert Migot (27 February 1891 – 5 January 1976) was a prolific French composer. Though primarily known as a composer, he was also a poet, often integrating his poetry into his compositions, and an accomplished painter. He won the 1921 Prix Blumenthal.