20th-century male writers


Braulio Rubén Tupaj Amaru Grajeda Fuentes, prominently known by his literary pseudonym Leo Zelada, is a Spanish-Peruvian poet and writer. He was born in Lima, Peru, but has been living in Madrid, Spain for 18 years.


Jorge Alfredo Basadre Grohmann (12 February 1903 – 29 June 1980) was a Peruvian historian known for his extensive publications about the independent history of his country. He served during two different administrations as Minister of Education and was also director of the Peruvian National Library.


José Antonio Mazzotti is a Peruvian poet, scholar, and literary activist. He is Professor of Latin American Literature and King Felipe VI of Spain Professor of Spanish Culture and Civilization in the Department of Romance Studies at Tufts University, President of the International Association of Peruvianists since 1996, and Director of the Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana since 2010. He is considered an expert in Latin American colonial literature, especially in El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega and the formation of criollo cultures, a critic of Latin American contemporary poetry, and a prominent member of the Peruvian 1980s literary generation. He received the José Lezama Lima special poetry prize from Casa de las Américas, Cuba, in 2018, for his collection El zorro y la luna. Poemas reunidos, 1981-2016.
During his early years, Mazzotti won the First Prize in the 1980 "Túpac Amaru" Poetry Contest at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, with Poemas no recogidos en libro (Poems Not Collected in a Book, Lima, 1981). In 1985, he published his second collection, Fierro curvo (órbita poética) (Curved Iron (poetic orbit)), and in 1988 his third book, Castillo de popa (Poop Deck), which reflects the state of mind of a wide sector of Peruvian youth at that time in the face of the difficult years of the civil war and the galloping economic deterioration of the country. The book was a finalist in the Casa de las Américas Award in Havana that same year. He has also published the poetry collections El libro de las auroras boreales (The Book of the Northern Lights, Amherst, MA, 1995), Señora de la noche (Lady of the Night, Mexico City, 1998), El Zorro y la Luna. Antología Poética 1981-1999 (The Fox and the Moon. Poetry Anthology 1981-1999, Lima, 1999), Sakra Boccata (Mexico City, 2006, and Lima, 2007, with a foreword by Raúl Zurita), Las flores del Mall (The Flowers of the Mall, Lima, 2009), Declinaciones latinas (Latin Declensions, Houston and Mexico City, 2015 ), Apu Kalypso / Palabras de la bruma (Lima, 2015), a compilation of his complete work with the same title of El Zorro y la Luna (New York, 2016), and Nawa Isko Iki / Cantos amazónicos (Lima, 2020). A bilingual version of Sakra Boccata with translations by Clayton Eshleman appeared in 2013 in Ugly Duckling Press, New York. The Fox and the Moon, a selection of his poetry in English, was published in 2018 by Axiara Editions (Oregon). He has been included in numerous Peruvian and foreign anthologies, such as the Antología general de la poesía peruana: de Vallejo a nuestros días (Lima), La mitad del cuerpo sonríe (Mexico), La letra en que nació la pena (Lima), Caudal de piedra (Mexico), Fuego abierto (Chile), Cuerpo plural (Spain), Liberation: New Works on Freedom from International Renowned Poets (USA),Volteando el siglo: 25 poetas peruanos (Cuba, 2020), etc.


Ricciotto Canudo (French: [kanydo]; 2 January 1877, Gioia del Colle – 10 November 1923, Paris) was an early Italian film theoretician who lived primarily in France. In 1913 he published a bimonthly avant-garde magazine entitled Montjoie!, promoting Cubism in particular. Involved in numerous movements yet confined to none, Canudo exuded seemingly boundless energy. He ventured into poetry, penned novels (pioneering a style emphasizing interpersonal psychology, which he dubbed sinestismo), and established open-air theatre in southern France. As an art critic, he unearthed talents like Chagall, curating a Chagall exhibition in 1914. In that same year, alongside Blaise Cendrars, he issued a call for foreigners residing in France to enlist in the French army. Among the 80,000 who responded was Canudo himself.He saw cinema as "plastic art in motion", and gave cinema the label "the Sixth Art", later changed to "the Seventh Art", still current in French, Italian, and Spanish conceptions of art, among others. Canudo subsequently added dance as a precursor to the sixth—a third rhythmic art with music and poetry—making cinema the seventh art.Canudo is often regarded as the inaugural aesthetician of cinema, thus making his "Manifesto" pertinent for an English-speaking readership. Several of Canudo's concepts found resonance with two prominent early French film experimenters—Jean Epstein and Abel Gance.


John Neil Seward Jr. (October 11, 1924 – November 10, 2010) was a World War II veteran who was assigned to military intelligence in 1941 because of his knowledge of Japanese at a time when very few Americans knew the language. Following the war, Seward continued his intelligence work in Japan, during Allied occupation. After his time in the military and, later on, in the CIA, he worked with a number of companies and became a prolific writer. Some of his 45 books, in Japanese and English, are still used today. He was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure in 1986 for his efforts to spread knowledge of Japanese culture and language.


Luis Cardoza y Aragón (June 21, 1904 - September 4, 1992) was a Guatemalan writer, essayist, poet, art critic, and diplomat. Born in Antigua Guatemala, he spent part of his life living in exile in Mexico.
Cardoza attended primary school in Antigua Guatemala and at the Colegio Centroamericano in Guatemala City. His received a secondary education in the city's Instituto Nacional Central para Varones. In the 1920s, Cardoza moved to Paris, France where he became friends with André Breton. Influenced by the avant-garde members of the surrealist movement, his first work titled "Luna Park" was published in 1923 and dedicated to the Guatemalan writer Enrique Gómez Carrillo (1873–1927). He also got to know fellow Guatemalan writer Miguel Ángel Asturias who came to Paris to study at the Sorbonne. Decades later in 1991 Cardoza wrote a book entitled Miguel Ángel Asturias, Casi Novela (Ediciones Era) about their time in Paris during the 1920s and 1930s that earned him the 1992 Mazatlan Literature award in Mexico.