Wikipedia articles with style issues from March 2016


Carl Mark Pearcy, Jr. (born August 25, 1935) is an American mathematician whose research has been concentrated on operator theory and operator algebras. He has coauthored several books, including "Introduction to Operator Theory I", Introduction to Analysis", and "Measure and integration", all published by Springer and coauthored by Arlen Brown (and Hari Bercovici in the case of Measure and integration). Pearcy had 31 Ph. D. students at Michigan and TAMU
, several of whom are outstanding mathematicians. Pearcy's bibliography contains more than 150 papers, and his research has concerned the invariant subspace problem and the theory of dual algebras.


James Barron Carey (August 12, 1911 – September 11, 1973) was a 20th century American labor union leader, secretary-treasurer of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO; 1938–1955), vice president of AFL–CIO (from 1955) and served as president of the United Electrical Workers (UE; 1936–1941), but broke from it because of its alleged Communist control. He was the founder and president of the rival International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers (1950–1965). President Truman appointed Carey to the President's Committee on Civil Rights in 1946. Carey was labor representative to the United Nations Association (1965–1972). He helped influence the CIO's pullout from the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and the formation of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) dedicated to promoting free trade and democratic unionism worldwide.