Nuevo Le\u00f3n


Joaquín Vargas Gómez (28 September 1925 – 28 November 2009) was a Mexican media mogul and owner of MVS Comunicaciones, a conglomerate that owns a radio station group known as MVS Radio, with stations in Mexico and in many Latin American countries, as well as some in the United States. He also founded Corporación Mexicana de Restaurantes (CMR), an owner and operator of various restaurants.


Antonio Irineo Villarreal González (July 16, 1877 in Lampazos, Mexico – December 16, 1944 in Mexico City) was a Mexican politician and soldier.
From 1903, Villarreal turned against the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz. He published a number of liberal magazines and was subsequently imprisoned. After his release he fled to the United States where he joined, the anarchist Mexican Liberal Party (PLM) of Ricardo Flores Magón. At the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution in 1910, he joined the Progressive Constitutionalist Party (PCP) of Francisco Madero, and after Madero's victory in 1911 he was appointed consul in Barcelona.
After the coup attempt and assassination of Madero by Victoriano Huerta in 1913 he returned to Mexico. He joined the constitutionalist army of Pablo González Garza and Venustiano Carranza. He took part in the Convention of Aguascalientes, and remained as one of the few neutrals there when Villa and Carranza together walked out. On 31 October 1914, he was elected president of the convention, but soon handed over that function to Eulalio Gutiérrez. Villarreal was then made governor of Nuevo León, where he had a number of progressive reforms. A year later he was ousted by the forces of Carranza and he was forced to flee the country.
After the death of Carranza in 1920 he returned, and became minister of agriculture under Álvaro Obregón. In 1922 he stood for election as senator, but his victory was withheld. A year later he joined the De la Huertaopstand, but that organisation was suppressed, and he was forced to leave the country again. In 1929 he supported National Anti-Reelectionist Party and the presidential campaign of José Vasconcelos. In the disputed result of the election, he again fled the country again.
In 1934, he was presidential candidate for the Confederation of Independent Revolutionary Party, but got only 1.08% of the vote. After that, he retired from politics. He died in 1944.
His two sisters Teresa Villarreal and Andrea Villarreal both had careers as political agitators for the Mexican revolution from a base in exile in the United States.


Pedro Cano (June 19, 1920 – June 24, 1952) was a Mexican-American World War II veteran who received the Medal of Honor for his actions in combat near Schevenhütte, Germany in December 1944.
Cano was born in La Morita, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. He moved to the United States into the small community of Edinburg, Texas, when he was 2 months old. There he served as a farm laborer until he volunteered to serve in the Army during World War II. As a private, he was deployed to the European theater to serve with the 4th Infantry Division, where he engaged in battles both in France and in Germany. He exhibited extraordinary courage and valor in battle and later sustained injuries that left him permanently disabled. He returned to South Texas to join his wife and children and resumed his work as a farm laborer.Private Cano received two Bronze Star medals, a Purple Heart, and a Distinguished Service Cross. On March 18, 2014, the Distinguished Service Cross was upgraded to the Medal of Honor.After repeated requests during wartime to become a U.S. citizen and being ignored by his commanding officer due to other pressing matters, Cano finally achieved his longest-lasting ambition, to become an American citizen, in May 1946. He died six years later on June 24, 1952, at the age of 32 in a tragic automobile accident. He left a wife and three children.