

Carl Blumenreuter (16 November 1881 – 11 July 1969) was a German chemist and politician during the Nazi era. He served as SS Chief Pharmacist for the Nazi Party (NSDAP).Blumenreuter studied the Nahrungsmittelchemie. He received special training in World War I for gas warfare at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for physical chemistry and electrochemistry in Berlin. In 1935 he joined the paramilitary combat organization of the Nazi party, the SA, and in 1937 the Nazi party.
In 1936, he was in the Sanitätsabteilung of the SS death's head associations and built up the Sanitätsversorgung. In 1937, he was head of the chemical pharmacological service of the SS Sanitätsamtes. Most recently, he was promoted to SS-Gruppenführer. In August 1943, the department was placed under the Reich physician SS and he received the title of Sanitätszeugmeister. This agency supplied the concentration camps with poisons. After the second world war he was interned; He was released but already in 1946 from the Neuengamme camp again. He then lived in Grömitz in Holstein and afterwards led a hospital pharmacy.


Friedrich Weber, Dr. (30 January 1892 – 19 July 1955) was an instructor in veterinary medicine at the University of Munich. In World War I he served in the Royal Bavarian 1st Heavy Cavalry Regiment "Prince Karl of Bavaria". He was the leader of the Oberland League and ranked alongside Adolf Hitler, Erich Ludendorff, Ernst Röhm and Hermann Kriebel as one of the chief conspirators of the Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923. He was convicted along with Hitler in 1924 but continued to head the Oberland League until 1929.
After his release from prison, he set up a private vet practice in Munich and continued close contact with Hitler being given a lucrative position in Berlin after Hitler's accession to power in 1933. He became an army vet late in World War II. After the war, he was interned by U.S. occupation authorities and heavily fined for war profiteering, but continued to practise veterinary medicine, eventually dying in reduced circumstances in 1955.