Textual criticism


George Thomas Tanselle (born January 29, 1934) is an American textual critic, bibliographer, and book collector, especially known for his work on Herman Melville. He was Vice President of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation from 1978 to 2006.


Paul Maas (18 November 1880, in Frankfurt am Main – 15 July 1964, in Oxford) was a German scholar who, along with Karl Lachmann, founded the field of textual criticism.He studied classical philology at the universities of Berlin and Munich, receiving his doctorate in 1903. In 1910 he obtained his habilitation and in 1920 became a full professor at Berlin. In 1930 he was appointed chair of classical philology at the University of Königsberg. In 1934 he was forced into retirement by the Nazi government due to his Jewish ancestry, and in 1939 he emigrated to Great Britain, where he taught classes at Oxford University. After his death, he was buried at Wolvercote Cemetery's Jewish section in Oxford.