Physicians from Berlin


Stephan Kurt Westmann (23 July 1893 – 7 October 1964) was a German soldier and physician.
In the First World War, Westmann served in the German 29th Infantry Division on the Western and Eastern fronts and then as an Air Force surgeon, although unqualified. He volunteered to serve in the Reichswehr after the war. After he was discharged, he completed his medical studies and became a professor at the University of Berlin, and in the 1930s migrated to England and became a doctor in Harley Street, Westminster. During the Second World War, he was a British medical officer in Scotland, so that in the two World Wars he served on different sides.
In later life, Westmann appeared on BBC television to talk about the First World War from the German point of view and also wrote his memoirs.


Dr Walter Michel Levinthal FRSE (1886–1963) was a German-born bacteriologist, working in Britain in the 20th century. He gave his name to Levinthal's Agar. He is known for his work on Psittacosis and the influenza virus.


Rudolf Schindler (1888–1968) was a German physician, who practiced medicine as a gastroenterologist. He is regarded widely as the "father of gastroscopy."He was born in Berlin. During the First World War he described numerous diseases involving the human digestive system. He wrote the illustrated textbook, Lehrbuch und Atlas der Gastroskopie (Textbook and Atlas of Gastroscopy).
Between 1928 and 1932 Schindler worked with the Berlin-based instrument-maker and technician, Georg Wolf, on the development of the first semi-flexible gastroscope, which allowed a greater range for examination, facilitating diagnosis and some treatments without abdominal surgery.
With the rise of the Nazi party he was arrested. Upon his release in 1934, he made his way to the United States of America. He settled in Chicago, Illinois, and practiced medicine there until 1943. He then relocated to Los Angeles, California, where he continued his work in gastroenterology until his retirement. His work included writing two more books in the field of gastroenterology, teaching students, and saving lives.
Schindler was married to Gabriele Winkler, who was an important contributor to his work and they had two children. After her death in 1964, he married Marie Aumüller Koch, a pianist by whom he was the natural father of two children, including actress and later doctor Marianne Koch, before he fled Germany in 1934. They moved to Munich, Germany where he died in 1968.


Hermann Werner Siemens (August 20, 1891 (Charlottenberg) -1969) was a German dermatologist who first described multiple skin diseases and was one of the inventors of the twin study. Siemens' work in twin studies is influential in modern genetics and is used to address the environmental and genetic impacts upon traits. Siemens was involved in racial hygiene and affiliated with the Nazi Party.


Walter Traugott Ulrich Pagel
(12 November 1898 – 25 March 1983) was a German pathologist and medical historian.Pagel was born in Berlin, the son of the famous physician and historian of medicine Julius Leopold Pagel. He married Dr. Magda Koll in 1920 and with her had a son, Bernard, in 1930. Pagel took his doctorate in Berlin in 1922 and became professor in Heidelberg in 1931. The family moved to Britain in 1933 for fear of persecution as Jews. Pagel practiced as Consultant Pathologist to the Central Middlesex Hospital, Harlesden, in Greater London From 1939 to 1956, and continued at the Clare Hall Hospital, Barnet, Hertfordshire from 1956 to 1967, when he retired. Following his retirement he began to devote his efforts to writing the history of medicine.
Walter Pagel died in Mill Hill in 1983.


Max Marcuse (April 14, 1877, Berlin – June 24, 1963, Tel Aviv) was a German dermatologist and sexologist. He became an editor for Magnus Hirschfeld’s Journal of Sexology in 1919 and continued editing the journal until 1932. Marcuse immigrated to Palestine in 1933, following the Nazi rise to power. Several of Marcuse's unpublished writings are being preserved at the Kinsey Institute.