Burials at P\u00e8re Lachaise Cemetery


Pierre Eugène Alfred Bouillin (22 December 1905 – 11 June 1955) was a French sportsman and racing driver. He took the racing name Pierre Levegh [ləvɛk] in memory of his uncle Alfred Velghe, a pioneering driver who died in 1904. Levegh died in the 1955 Le Mans disaster which also killed 83 spectators during the 1955 24 Hours of Le Mans automobile race.


François Étienne "Frantz" Reichel (16 March 1871 – 24 March 1932) was a French sports administrator, athlete, cyclist and journalist. He competed at the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens as a runner and at the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris as a rugby union player. He co-founded the Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive (AIPS), and served as its first president in 1924–1932.


Juliette Dodu (Saint-Denis de la Réunion, June 15, 1848 – October 28, 1909) was a legendary heroine of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, and the first woman to be awarded the Legion of Honor. However, many doubts have been raised about her actions during the war, and her story remains controversial.


Léon-Gervais-Marie Maquenne (2 December 1853 – 10 January 1925) was a French chemist and plant physiologist born in Paris.
From 1871 he worked in the laboratory of agricultural chemistry at the Ecole d'agriculture in Grignon. Here, he was a student of Pierre Paul Dehérain (1830-1902). In 1883 he became préparateur at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, where from 1885 to 1898 he served as an assistant to the chair of Physiologie végétale. In 1898 he succeeded Georges Ville (1824-1897) as chair of Physique végétale, a position he held on to until 1925. In 1904 he became a member of the Académie des sciences.
Among Maquenne's contributions was research involving the chemical make-up of sugar alcohols. He was able to resolve the chemical constitution of inositol and demonstrated it to be a hexahydroxycyclohexane.He is credited with invention of the so-called "Maquenne block", an apparatus used for determining the melting point of chemical compounds.


Louis Alexandre Mangin (8 September 1852, in Paris – 27 January 1937) was a French botanist and mycologist.
In 1873, he became an associate professor at the Lycée de Nancy, followed by a professorship at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris (1881–1904). During this time frame, he was also a lecturer on natural sciences at the Sorbonne (from 1890). From 1904 to 1931, he was a professor (Chaire de cryptogamie) at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, and was director of the museum from 1919 until his retirement in 1931. For several years he was director of the menagerie at the Jardin des Plantes (1920 to 1926).
Mangin was a member of the Académie des sciences, the Académie d'agriculture de France, the Académie des sciences coloniales and the Société mycologique de France.
His early research dealt largely with plant anatomy and physiology; his doctoral thesis involving the adventitious roots of monocotyledons. With Gaston Bonnier (1853–1922), he performed extensive research of plant respiration, transpiration and carbon assimilation. In the early 1890s he is credited with the discovery of callose, a fundamental substance found in the cell membrane of plants.


Adolphe-Marie Gubler (5 April 1821 – 20 April 1879) was a French physician and pharmacologist born in Metz.
Originally a student of botany, he began his medical studies in 1841 at Paris, where he was a pupil of Armand Trousseau (1801–1867). In 1845 he became an interne des hôpitaux, earning his doctorate in 1849. Afterwards he worked as a physician at the Hôpital Beaujon, and in 1853 earned his agrégation with a thesis on cirrhosis of the liver. In 1868 he was appointed professor of therapy to the medical faculty in Paris, maintaining this position until his death in 1879.
Gubler made a number of contributions in the fields of medicine and pharmacology. He is credited with being the first physician to differentiate between hematogenous and hepatogenous icterus. His name is associated with "Millard–Gubler syndrome", a condition characterized by softening of brain tissue that is caused by blockage of blood vessels of the pons. The disease is named in conjunction with Auguste Louis Jules Millard (1830–1915), who initially described the disorder in 1855. The eponymous "Gubler's line" is a line of superficial origin of the trigeminal nerve on the pons, a lesion below which results in the aforementioned Millard–Gubler syndrome.
He was the author of many works on botany, clinical medicine, physiology and pharmacology, with several articles on the latter subject being published in the "Journal de thérapeutique". Among his better written efforts was an 1856 treatise on hemiplegia titled De l'hémiplégie alterne envisagée comme signe de lésion de la protubérance annulaire et comme preuve de la décussation des nerfs faciaux, and a major publication involving pharmacopoeia called Commentaires thérapeutiques du codex medicamentarius, a book that was awarded the "Chaussier Prize" (Prix Chaussier, named after anatomist François Chaussier) by the Académie des sciences.Gubler was a founding member of the Société de biologie, and in 1865 became a member of the Académie de médecine.
While still an interne, he was asked by Dr. Trousseau to serve as a traveling companion to a young man suffering from emotional distress. While in Milan, Gubler was seriously wounded by a gunshot from his companion, forcing him to spend a year recuperating in Milan.