Luxemburger Wort people


Jean Bernard (13 August 1907 – 1 September 1994) was a Catholic priest from Luxembourg who was imprisoned from May 1941 to August 1942 in the Nazi concentration camp at Dachau. He was released for nine days in February 1942 and allowed to return to Luxembourg, an episode which he later wrote about in his memoirs of the camp and which was turned into a film.


Pierre Grégoire (9 November 1907 – 8 April 1991) was a Luxembourgish politician in the Christian Social People's Party (CSV), journalist, and writer. Before turning to politics full-time, he wrote for the Luxemburger Wort newspaper.
Before World War II, he organised the development of the CSV's precursor, the Party of the Right, along with Jean Baptiste Esch. He was a CSV Deputy from 1946 onwards, and was the party's secretary-general from 1952 to 1960. He was a member of the Council of Europe from 1956.
He also held several government posts: he was the minister for the Interior, Religion, Arts and Sciences and Transport from 1959 to 1964, then became minister for Cultural Affairs, Education and the Civil Service from 1964 onwards. From 1969 to 1974 he was the president of the Chamber of Deputies.