French zoologists


Césaire Phisalix (8 October 1852, Mouthier-Haute-Pierre – 16 March 1906) was a French physician and biologist. He was the husband of Marie Picot Phisalix (1861–1946), an expert on venoms and venomous animals.He studied sciences at the Catholic college in Besançon and medicine in Paris, earning his medical doctorate in 1877. Later, he continued his studies at the military school in Val de Grâce with Alphonse Laveran, a future winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. In 1886, he was named deputy professor of zoology at the school of medicine and pharmacy in Besançon, and in 1888 was appointed director of travaux de zoologie at the faculty of Besançon. Shortly afterwards, he returned to Paris, where he served as a lecturer at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle.In 1894, with biochemist Gabriel Bertrand, he developed an antivenom for treatment against snake bites. For his research of venom and venomous animals, he was awarded the "Prix Bréant" in 1898.


Jean-Joseph Zéphirin Gerbe (21 December 1810 in Bras – 26 June 1890 in Bras) was a French naturalist. He was the first to discover the pattern of wing taxis, the absence (diastataxis) or presence (eutaxy) of the fifth secondary in birds.He was co-author of Ornithologie européenne, ou Catalogue analytique et raisonné des oiseaux observés en Europe with countryman Côme-Damien Degland (second edition, 1867). He also published a French translation of Alfred Brehm's Illustrirtes Thierleben with the title La vie des animaux illustrée : description populaire du règne animal (4 volumes).Species he described include Gerbe's vole.


Armand Sabatier (UK: , US: , French: [aʁmɑ̃ sabatje]; 13 January 1834 – 22 December 1910) was a French zoologist known for his studies of comparative anatomy of animals, and for his work in photography, discovering and publishing in 1860 the Sabattier effect, also known as pseudo-solarisation.He studied in Montpellier, where he took special mathematics courses in high school, then enrolled in medicine. He then did three years of internship in Lyon, then returned to Montpellier, where he defended in 1863 his doctoral thesis of medicine, entitled "Anatomical, physiological and clinical study on pulmonary auscultation in children".
He married Laure Gervais de Rouville and they had a daughter, Jeanne. During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 he was surgeon in charge of the ambulances of the South.
After the war, he prepared his doctorate of sciences, which he obtained in 1873, after defending his thesis entitled "The heart and the central circulation of the vertebrates". He was appointed professor and chair of zoology of the faculty of sciences of Montpellier in 1876. He was Dean of the Faculty of Science from 1891 till 1904. In 1905 he founded and managed the maritime zoology station of Sète.
The sculptor Auguste Baussan made a bust of him which is situated at the University of Montpellier. The painter Edouard Marsal painted his portrait, situated at the Faculty of Sciences of Montpellier.
He was the founder of the independent Reformed Church of Montpellier. Sabatier supported the theory of evolutisme and gave a series of courses to the Protestant theology faculty of Montauban in 1884–1885.He was a member of the French Academy of Science from 1835 till his death in 1910 in the departments of zoology and anatomy, and a member of the Academy of Sciences and Letters of Montpellier (1871–1886). He was buried at the Protestant cemetery of Montpellier .


Louis-Joseph Alcide Railliet (also known as Alcide Railliet, born 11 March 1852 at La Neuville-lès-Wasigny in the Ardennes – died 25 December 1930) was a French veterinarian and helminthologist.
Professor at the Veterinary School of Alfort, he is considered one of the founders of modern parasitology and wrote several books of veterinary parasitology. He chaired the Société zoologique de France in 1891. He was a member of the French Académie Nationale de Médecine, from 29 December 1896 to his death. He received the Legion of Honor.


Louis Charles Émile Lortet (22 August 1836 – 26 December 1909) was a French physician, botanist, zoologist and Egyptologist who was a native of Oullins.
He earned his medical doctorate in 1861, and his degree in natural sciences in 1867. He served as premier doyen at the Faculty of Medicine of Lyon from 1877 until 1906. Also, from 1868 to 1909, he was director of the natural history museum in Lyon.
Lortet is remembered for his scientific and zoological expeditions to the Middle East (Syria, Lebanon and Egypt). He performed studies of mummified animals from the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt, and in 1880 took part in an excavation of a Phoenician necropolis.
Lortet was a member of numerous scientific societies, such as the Société de géographie de Lyon, being a founding member in 1858. Species with the epithet of lorteti are named in his honor; an example being the pufferfish species Carinotetraodon lorteti.


Félix Joseph Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers (15 May 1821 – 21 July 1901) was a French biologist, anatomist and zoologist born in Montpezat in the department of Lot-et-Garonne. He was a leading authority in the field of malacology.He studied medicine in Paris, and worked at Necker Hospital under Armand Trousseau (1801–1867). Later on, with Jules Haime (1824–1856), he travelled to the Balearic Islands to study marine life. In 1854 he returned to Paris as an assistant to Henri Milne-Edwards (1800–1885), and soon afterwards became a professor of zoology in Lille.
In 1865 he succeeded Achille Valenciennes (1794–1865) as chair of histoire naturelle des mollusques, des vers et des zoophytes at the National Museum of Natural History, France, and in 1868 became a professor at the University of Paris. In 1871 he was elected to French Academy of Sciences in the department of anatomy and zoology.

Lacaze-Duthiers is remembered for his study of the anatomy and developmental history of mussels, coral, snails, brachiopods and other invertebrate marine animals. In 1858 he discovered three mollusks in the Mediterranean that produced purple-blue dyes. One of the species, named murex trunculus, was the source of the distinctive purple-blue dye used by the ancient Phoenicians and Canaanites. He realised the dying process could be used to create a photographic image in purple-blue dye which he named the Mucographé process. Examples are preserved in the Sorbonne and the Royal Society in London.
He conducted pioneer exploration of marine life of coastal Algeria, that included scientific studies of coral. A result of this research was the publication of "Histoire naturelle du corail" (1864).He was the founder of two laboratories devoted to marine biology; the biological station at Roscoff in 1876, and the Arago laboratory at Banyuls-sur-Mer in 1882. A number of species bear his name, a few of them being: Strophomenia lacazei, Convoluta lacazi and Dileptus lacazei. In 1872 he founded the journal "Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale" (Archives of Experimental and General Zoology).


Louis-Félix Henneguy (18 March 1850 – 16 January 1928) was a French zoologist and embryologist born in Paris.
In 1875, he received his medical doctorate from the University of Montpellier with a dissertation on the physiological action of poisons, Étude physiologique sur l'action des poisons. In 1883 he obtained his agrégation with Les lichens utiles, a thesis on useful lichens.
During his career he was a professor of comparative embryology at the Collège de France (1900–28), and a member of the Académie de Médecine, the Académie d'Agriculture and the Académie des sciences (1908–28). From 1894 he was director of the journal, Archives d'anatomie microscopique.
He is known for his extensive research of phylloxera, publishing a number of papers on means of destroying its eggs during the winter (1885, 1887–88). Also he performed studies on the natural history of the apple blossom weevil, proposing methods for its eradication (1891). On behalf of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee, he did reviews involving the sale and consumption of mussels throughout the year.
With Hungarian neuroanatomist, Mihály Lenhossék (1863–1937), the "Henneguy–Lenhossek theory" is named, which states the claim that mitotic centrioles and ciliary basal kinetosomes are fundamentally the same structure.As a taxonomist he circumscribed the apicomplexan genus Rhytidocystis, and the protozoan genera Thelohania and Fabrea. The genus Henneguya Thélohan, 1892 is named after him, as are the species Apherusa henneguyi Chevreux & Fage, 1925 and Ectinosoma henneguyi Labbé, 1926.In 1903 he was appointed president of the Société entomologique de France.


Charles Joseph Gravier (4 March 1865, in Orléans – 15 November 1937, in Paris) was a French zoologist.
He initially taught classes at École normale (1883–85) in Orléans and at the École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud, afterwards becoming a professor of natural history at the École normale (1887) in Grenoble. In 1893 he obtained his aggregation of natural sciences and in 1896 his PhD in sciences. Later he became first assistant to Edmond Perrier (1844–1921) at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris, where from 1903 he served as an assistant to Louis Joubin (1861–1935). In 1917 he attained the chair of zoology (worms and crustaceans) at the museum.
Gravier is known for his research of Anthozoa (class containing sea anemones and corals). The genera Gravieria, Gravierella and Gravieropsammia are named after him, as are numerous marine species, including the Red Sea mimic blenny (Ecsenius gravieri).In 1923 he was made a chevalier of the Légion d'honneur and commander on 6 August 1937.


Louis Pierre Gratiolet (French: [ɡʁasjɔlɛ]; 6 July 1815 – 16 February 1865) was a French anatomist and zoologist who was a native of Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, Gironde. He succeeded Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1805-1861) as professor of zoology to the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Paris.
Gratiolet is remembered for his work in neuroanatomy, physiognomy and physical anthropology. He did extensive research in the field of comparative anatomy, and performed important studies regarding the differences and similarities between human and various primate brains. He is also credited for introducing the demarcation of the brain's cortical surface into five lobes, (frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe and insular cortex).
With Paul Broca (1824-1880) he performed correlative studies of aphasia and the frontal lobe. Gratiolet was a vocal critic of Broca regarding the latter's belief that a larger brain equated to higher intelligence.