1805 births


Claude Félix Abel Niépce de Saint-Victor (26 July 1805, Saint-Cyr, Saône-et-Loire – 7 April 1870, Paris) was a French photographic inventor. Claude was an army lieutenant and the cousin of Nicéphore Niépce. He first experimented in 1847 with negatives made with albumen on glass, a method subsequently used by Frederick Langenheim for his and his brother’s lantern slides. At his laboratory near Paris, Saint-Victor worked on the fixation of natural photographic colour as well as the perfection of his cousin's heliographing process for photomechanical printing. His method of photomechanical printing, called heliogravure, was published in 1856 in Traité pratique de gravure héliographique. In the 1850s, he also published frequently in La Lumière.


Benildus Romançon, F.S.C. (French: Bénilde; 14 June 1805 – 13 August 1862) was a French schoolteacher and member of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers) who was declared a saint by the Catholic Church in 1948. His feast day is 13 August.


Louis Adolphe Bonard (27 March 1805 – 31 March 1867) was a French admiral who served in the Mediterranean and then for many years in the Pacific.
He was governor of French Guiana from 1853 to 1855, and governor of Cochinchina (southern Vietnam) from 1861 to 1863.


Wilhelm von Kaulbach (15 October 1805 – 7 April 1874) was a German painter, noted mainly as a muralist, but also as a book illustrator. His murals decorate buildings in Munich. He is associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting.


Henri-Mamert-Onésime Delafond (13 February 1805 – 15 November 1861) was a French veterinarian born in Saint-Amand-en-Puisaye, Nièvre department. Delafond was one of the primary representatives of veterinary science in France during the first half of the nineteenth century.He served as a professor and director of the Maisons-Alfort veterinary school. He was a member of the Académie de Médecine and of the Société nationale d'agriculture.Delafond is remembered for pioneer microscopic research of Bacillus anthracis, the causative organism of anthrax. Also, with microbiologist David Gruby (1810–1898), he performed extensive investigations of Tritrichomonas suis, a parasite found in swine.
In 1842 with Gabriel Andral (1797–1876) and Jules Gavarret (1809–1890), he was co-author of an important treatise on domestic animal blood composition titled Recherches sur la composition du sang de quelques animaux domestiques, dans l’état de santé et de maladie. With Honoré Bourguignon, he published Traité pratique d'entomologie et de pathologie comparées de la psore ou gale de l'homme et des animaux domestiques (Treatise on the entomology and comparative pathology of scabies affecting humans and domesticated animals).