20th-century German women artists


Jeanne Mammen (21 November 1890 – 22 April 1976) was a German painter, illustrator, and printmaker. Her work is associated with the New Objectivity, Symbolism, and Cubism movements. She is best known for her depictions of strong, sensual women and Berlin city life during the Weimar period.


Ilse Jonas (29 May 1884–30 April 1922) was a German painter.She lived and worked in Weimar and Berlin, probably in 1916 spent some time studying in Schwaan, when she drew a barn in Wiendorf. That year she also made the painting Warnowbrücke (Warnow Bridge). Other women who came to study in Schwaan were Elisabeth von Aster, Barkenhöft, Lilly Schmidt, Hedwig von Germar, and Helene Dolberg.


Augusta Kaiser (16 January 1895 – 27 September 1932) was a modern German sculptor and ceramic artist who called herself Gust Kaiser from 1922 on. She is also known as Gustl Kaiser in connection to her ceramics work for the Kieler Kunst-Keramik pottery works.


Hildegard Anna Augusta Elisabeth Freiin[1] Rebay von Ehrenwiesen, known as Baroness Hilla von Rebay or simply Hilla Rebay (31 May 1890 – 27 September 1967), was an abstract artist in the early 20th century and co-founder and first director of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. She was a key figure in advising Solomon R. Guggenheim to collect abstract art, a collection that would later form the basis of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum collection. She was also influential in selecting Frank Lloyd Wright to design the current Guggenheim museum, which is now known as a modernist icon in New York City.