Academic staff of the University of Halle


Hermann Johannes Karl Fehling (14 July 1847 - 11 November 1925) was a German obstetrician and gynecologist who was a native of Stuttgart. He was the son of the chemist Hermann von Fehling (1811-1885).
In 1872 he received his medical doctorate from the University of Leipzig, and following graduation remained in Leipzig as an assistant to obstetrician Carl Siegmund Franz Credé (1819-1892). In 1877 he became director of the Württemberg state midwifery school in Stuttgart, and later accepted a teaching job at the University of Tübingen (1883).
In 1887 he became a professor of obstetrics at the University of Basel, and afterwards served as a professor at the Universities of Halle (1894) and Strasbourg (1900). In the aftermath of World War I, Fehling along with other German professors were expelled from the University of Strasbourg. He eventually settled in Baden-Baden, where he died in 1925.
Hermann Fehling is considered to be one of the leading gynecologists of his era, and made contributions in his research of disorders that included eclampsia, rachitic pelvis and puerperal osteomalacia. In 1877, with Heinrich Fritsch (1844-1915), he founded the journal Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie.


Maximilian Oberst (October 6, 1849 – November 18, 1925) was a German physician and surgeon born in Regensburg.
He studied medicine in Munich, and from 1874 to 1877 was an assistant in the surgical department at a hospital in Augsburg. From 1877 he worked as an assistant to Richard von Volkmann at Halle, obtaining his habilitation in 1881. In 1884 became an assistant professor at the University of Halle, and from 1894 to 1920 was director and chief physician at the Krankenhaus Bergmannstrost in Halle. In 1919 he attained the title of professor ordinarius (full professor).
He is credited for introducing a method of block anesthesia ("Oberst-block") for use in minor surgery of the finger. In 1882 he published Die Amputationen unter dem Einflusse der antiseptischen Behandlung ("Amputations under the influence of antiseptic treatment").


Gustav Aschaffenburg (May 23, 1866 – September 2, 1944) was a German psychiatrist born in Zweibrücken.
In 1890 he received his medical doctorate from the University of Strasbourg with a thesis on delirium tremens. Later he worked as an assistant to Emil Kraepelin at the psychiatric university clinic in Heidelberg, with whom he later extensively wrote about Haltlose personality disorder. He then practiced psychiatric medicine at the University of Halle and at the Akademie für praktische Medizin in Cologne (from 1919 the University of Cologne).
In the 1930s Aschaffenburg's academic career at Cologne was terminated by the Nazi edict, Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums, and he eventually emigrated to the United States, working as a professor at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
He wrote about the distinctions between Haltlose and Gemütlose psychopathy.
Aschaffenburg was a pioneer in the fields of criminology and forensic psychiatry. In 1903 he published an early systematic study on the causes of crime titled "Das Verbrechen und seine Bekämpfung", in which he discusses individual-hereditary and social-environmental factors, and also dismisses Cesare Lombroso's idea of the so-called "born criminal". Later the work was translated into English, and published as Crime and it's Repression (1913). It was also translated into Swedish by Olof Kinberg and Julia Kinberg.


Richard Laqueur (27 March 1881 – 25 November 1959) was a German historian and philologist born in Strassburg.
He studied classical literature and history at the Universities of Bonn and Strassburg, and in 1904 received his doctorate of philosophy. In 1912 he was made a full professor at Strassburg, and during the same year was appointed professor at the University of Giessen. From 1914 to 1918 he performed military duties during World War I, and in 1919 returned to Giessen, where he remained until 1930. Laqueur was rector at the university in 1922/23.In 1930 he became a professor at the University of Tübingen, and two years later a professor at the University of Halle. Because he was Jewish, Laqueur was removed from his position at Halle in 1936, and in 1939 emigrated to the United States. After World War II, he returned to Germany, but was denied his former status at Halle due to bureaucratic obstacles. In 1952 he moved to Hamburg, where he was later granted an honorary professorship.Laqueur was a specialist of ancient Greek and Roman history, and was particularly interested in the economic history of their civilizations. He conducted extensive research of the ancient historians Polybius and Flavius Josephus, and made literary contributions to the Pauly-Wissowa- Realencyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft.