Mexican women's rights activists


Elena Torres Cuéllar (3 June 1893 – 19 October 1970) was a leading Mexican revolutionary, feminist, progressive educator and writer. A member of the communist party, in 1917 she was the only woman to participate on behalf of the Liga Central de Resistencia at the first meeting of the Yucatán Socialist Party in Mérida. In 1919, she founded the Mexican Feminist Council campaigning for better social and economic conditions for women as well as the right to vote. She devoted considerable efforts to improving education in Mexico, especially by facilitating the training of primary school teachers in rural areas.


Consuelo Zavala Castillo (1874-1956) was a Mexican feminist, teacher, and founder of one of the first secular private schools in Mérida, Mexico. She is credited with establishing the first kindergarten to utilize the Froebel method in Mérida. She was the organizer of the First Feminist Congress in Mexico, authorized by state governor Salvador Alvarado.


María Arias Bernal, also known as María Pistolas (1884–1923), was a schoolteacher who was an agitator in the Mexican Revolution under Francisco I. Madero, president of Mexico 1911–1913, until his assassination in a counter-revolutionary coup by Victoriano Huerta. Arias is noted for her defense of Madero's tomb in Mexico City, despite the threat of the Huerta regime.


Emma Catalina Encinas Aguayo (also known as Emma Gutiérrez Suárez and Emma G. Suarez (1909-1990) was the first Mexican woman to attain a pilot's license in her country. When she gave up flying, she became an interpreter and translator for several government offices and served the president Luis Echeverría and his family as their official translator. She also interpreted for the United Nations and served as the Director General of the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables for many years. She was the first honoree as Woman of the Year of the Pan American Alliance in 1967.


Blanca Margarita Magrassi Scagno (November 29, 1923 – October 9, 2015) was a Mexican women's rights activist, civil and pro-democracy activist, politician and leading figure within the National Action Party (PAN). Magrassi Scagno, the wife and political partner of Luis H. Álvarez, the former President of the National Action Party, served as a member of PAN's national executive committee from 1988 to 1990. She was considered a moral authority within PAN and Mexican politics.