People from Nuevo Laredo


José Ernesto Medellín Rojas (March 4, 1975 – August 5, 2008), born in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, was a Mexican national who was executed by lethal injection for the murders of Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Peña in Houston, Texas.
Medellín was convicted of raping and killing 16-year-old Peña and 14-year-old Ertman in June 1993.His case gained notoriety when Mexico sued the United States in the International Court of Justice on behalf of 51 Mexican nationals asserting that the US had violated the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, which requires that local authorities inform foreign nationals being held on criminal charges of their right to consult with their country's diplomats. That court ruled that the United States was obliged to have the defendants' cases reopened and reconsidered. The Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear the case on May 1, 2007.The Bush administration briefed the Supreme Court on the obligation to comply with international treaties. On March 25, 2008, in Medellín v. Texas, the court rejected the Bush administration's arguments and cleared the way for Texas to execute the sentence. The International Court of Justice later ruled that the United States had violated its treaty obligations.


Benjamín Galván Gómez (10 June 1972 – 28 February 2014) was a Mexican businessman and politician of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). He was the mayor of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, from 1 January 2011 to 30 September 2013. His political projects focused on promoting education, improving the standards of living, and in bringing back a sense of public security to the citizens of the city. He also owned the newspapers Primera Hora and Última Hora. During his mayoral administration in Nuevo Laredo, Galván received numerous threats from organized crime. Five months after his term, he was kidnapped and killed by alleged members of the Los Zetas crime syndicate.