Norwegian chemists


Johan Ernst Fredrik Føyn (28 March 1904 – 2 November 1984) was a Norwegian chemist and oceanographer. He was born in Kristiania. He was assigned professor of oceanography at the University of Oslo from 1964. His research centered on radioactivity of ocean waters, and on pollution of the oceans. He designed a method for electrolytic cleaning of sewage.


Harald Arnljot Øye (born 1 February 1935) is a Norwegian chemist.
He took the dr.techn. degree in 1963. He was a professor of inorganic chemistry at the Norwegian Institute of Technology from 1973 to his retirement. He has also led the International Course on Process Metallurgy of Aluminium since 1981. He is a fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences. In November 2016, FLOGEN Star Outreach awarded him with the Fray International Sustainability Award at SIPS 2016 (Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit), in Hainan Island, China.