Mexican women writers


Susana Palazuelos Rosenzweig (born c. 1935), is a Mexican well-known chef and wedding organizer. She is also a book writer, having written cook books such as "Mexico the Beautiful: Authentic Recipes from the Regions of Mexico" and "Mexican Favorites".
In 1977, Palazuelos opened a restaurant in her native Acapulco, named "Banquetes Susana Palazuelos". She is the owner and general director of the restaurant.During her career, Palazuelos, considered by some to be the creator of outdoor weddings in Mexico, has cooked for royalty, including the king of Malaysia and Queen Elizabeth II.Susana has a son, Eduardo Palazuelos, a chef from Mexico and the owner of the restaurants Zibu (Acapulco) and Mar del Zur (Monterrey).She is the aunt of famous actor Roberto Palazuelos, who considers her to be his real mother, as she raised him.


Elena Torres Cuéllar (3 June 1893 – 19 October 1970) was a leading Mexican revolutionary, feminist, progressive educator and writer. A member of the communist party, in 1917 she was the only woman to participate on behalf of the Liga Central de Resistencia at the first meeting of the Yucatán Socialist Party in Mérida. In 1919, she founded the Mexican Feminist Council campaigning for better social and economic conditions for women as well as the right to vote. She devoted considerable efforts to improving education in Mexico, especially by facilitating the training of primary school teachers in rural areas.


Amalia González Caballero de Castillo Ledón (1898 - 1986) was a Mexican diplomat, cabinet minister, minister plenipotentiary, writer, and the first female member of a presidential cabinet. She distinguished herself for fighting for women rights including her efforts to secure women's voting rights in 1952.
Castillo Ledon studied at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She was founder and chair of Club Internacional de Mujeres (1932) and the Ateneo Mexicano de Mujeres (1937). She also founded the Teatro de Masas. She was associated with the journal Hogar and was a columnist for Excelsior. Since 2012, her remains rest in the Rotonda de las Personas Ilustres.