Norwegian religious biography stubs


Tor Berger Jørgensen (born 27 December 1945 in Oslo, Norway) is a Norwegian bishop who until 2015 was Bishop of the Diocese of Sør-Hålogaland in the Church of Norway. Appointed in 2019, he now serves as the Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain and resides in London.
Jørgensen was appointed the bishop of Sør-Hålogaland on 17 November 2006 and took over those duties from Øystein Ingar Larsen on 28 January 2007. Jørgensen had previously been the dean of Bodø Cathedral since 2000 and had for various periods been deputy for the bishop.
Jørgensen received the cand.theol. degree (equivalent to a combined Bachelor of Divinity and Master of Divinity) from the Misjonshøgskolen/MF Norwegian School of Theology in 1972. Jørgensen worked for 15 years as a missionary priest in Japan for the Norwegian Missionary Society. He then served as its general secretary from 1991 to 1999. Jørgensen was a candidate for bishop of the Diocese of Oslo in 2005, but Ole Christian Kvarme was elected.


Aage Müller-Nilssen (29 February 1940 – 1 May 2022) was a Norwegian theologian and organizational leader. Having worked as priest in Oslo from 1968, he served as secretary-general for the Church City Mission from 1974 to 1999, and subsequently worked as priest for the organization.He was decorated Knight, First Class of the Order of St. Olav in 2005.