Norwegian torture victims


Storm Willads Weinholdt (11 January 1920 – 17 March 1945) was a Norwegian resistance member who was executed during the occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany.
He was born and lived in Oslo, at Kampen. During the occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany, he became involved in Milorg, and was the deputy leader of District 13. On 13 February 1945, Weinholdt was going to plan a sabotage action, in his own home together with Adolf Bogstad and Frank Olsen. Before either of the three arrived, two Gestapo officers, one German and one Norwegian, arrived in the Weinholdt family's home to check on Storm's brother Kjell. As Kjell was not home either, the Gestapo officers waited in the living room. Bogstad and Storm Weinholdt soon arrived, and while the Gestapo officers became suspicious of the rendez-vous, the men stated that they were planning an outdoors trip. They were searched, and knew that they had to leave before Frank Olsen showed up, as Olsen carried important documents which would compromise them. When Olsen did arrive, the Gestapo officers understood the situation. The three resistance members were held in the house for the time being, but after Adolf Bogstad tried to escape and was killed, Storm Weinholdt was arrested together with his father, his brother Kjell who also had arrived, and Frank Olsen. They were subject to torture at Møllergata 19. Storm Weinholdt was sentenced to death on 15 March in an SS court-martial; prosecutor was Siegfried Fehmer. He was executed by gunshot at Akershus Fortress on 17 March. His body was lowered in the Oslofjord. This was the second to last execution of Norwegians by Germans during the war; the last person was an SS-Jäger executed for desertion (Fahnenflucht) on 19 April.Together with eight other resistance members—Adolf Bogstad, Erik Bruun, Henry Gundersen, Arvid Hansen, Ingolf Nordstrøm, Kåre Olafsen, Frank Olsen and Kjell Ramberg—he is commemorated with a memorial stone at Sarabråten in Østmarka.His brother Kjell survived the war, being incarcerated at Møllergata 19 until 11 April, then at Grini concentration camp until the war's end. Sverre Weinholdt was incarcerated at Møllergata 19 until 22 March, then at Grini until the war's end.


Eskild Jensen (28 April 1925 – 1 April 2013) is a Norwegian civil servant and politician for the Labour Party.
He was born in Vestre Aker as a son of executive Eskild Jensen Sr. (1876–1955) and teacher Elizabeth Kobro (1889–1985). In 1957 he married civil servant Inger Aarskog. He enrolled at Oslo Commerce School, but as the occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany commenced in the same year, Jensen soon prioritized to work in the Norwegian resistance movement. He distributed an illegal newspaper compiled from BBC radio reports; listening to these was also illegal. He was caught by Gestapo in 1942, tortured, and imprisoned in the concentration camps Grini and from May 1943 to 1945 Sachsenhausen.After the war Jensen graduated in economics from the University of Oslo. In 1961 he was hired in the Ministry of Finance. He worked for the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation from 1962 to 1967 and 1969 to 1974. In 1974 he was appointed deputy under-secretary of state in the Ministry of Transport and Communications before serving as State Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister from 1976 to 1980, as part of the Nordli's Cabinet. From 1980 to 1992 he served as director of the Norwegian Directorate of Public Roads.


Henriette Bie Lorentzen (18 July 1911 – 23 August 2001), born Anna Henriette Wegner Haagaas, was a Norwegian journalist, humanist, peace activist, feminist, co-founder of the Nansen Academy, resistance member and concentration camp survivor during World War II, and publisher and editor-in-chief of the women's magazine Kvinnen og Tiden (1945–1955).