Norwegian journalists


Oddvar Stenstrøm (born 5 March 1946) is a Norwegian journalist and former host of the TV2 debate program Holmgang.
Stenstrøm has worked in a number of different journals and news channels, including the local newspaper Akers Avis/Groruddalens Budstikke, the national tabloids Dagbladet and Verdens Gang (the latter as head of foreign news) and as news editor for Aftenposten.
In television media, Stenstrøm has had several jobs for NRK between 1975 and 1987, and for TV2 from 1992. For NRK he has been the Washington D.C. correspondent, and head of the editorial board for the news broadcasts. For TV2 Stenstrøm was the editorial project leader from 1991 to 1992, before becoming Washington correspondent in 1997. He took over the Holmgang program after Nils Gunnar Lie in 1998, and held that until the program was shut down in 2008.As host for Holmgang, Stenstrøm was frequently under fire for what was perceived as frequently oversimplified topics, a genre viewed to favor the Progress Party. Among the criticisms were allegations from electoral researcher Frank Aarebrot that the program promoted racism, an allegation Stenstrøm strongly denounced. In an interview before Holmgang was over, Stenstrøm pointed out that one of the programs had been on the needed work foreigners do, titled "Uten innvandrere stopper Norge" ("Without foreigners, Norway stops").


Kjersti Scheen (born 17 August 1943) is a Norwegian journalist, illustrator, novelist, crime fiction writer and children's writer. She made her literary debut in 1976 with the children's book Fie og mørket. Her novel Teppefall from 1994 introduced a series of crime novels with ex actress "Margaret Moss" as the main character. Scheen was awarded the Gyldendal's Endowment in 1994 (shared with Bjørn Aamodt).Many of her books have been translated into other languages.


Anders Magnus (born 10 April 1952) is a Norwegian journalist, author and television reporter.
Magnus was born in Oslo and took the cand.mag. degree in 1976. He was hired in the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) in 1978, and after tenures in Bergens Tidende from 1982 to 1992 and TV 2 from 1992 to 1998 he returned to NRK in 1998. He served as the NRK correspondent covering all of Africa from 1998 to 2002, and later as correspondent covering Asia from 2010 to 2014.He has authored several books, including Min afrikanske reise (My African journey; 2004) about his time in Africa.


Marit Christensen (11 November 1948 – 30 September 2022) was a Norwegian journalist.
Christensen was a cand.mag. by education. She worked for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation between 1977 and 2002. Here, she was a journalist, correspondent in Moscow from 1984 to 1988, and presenter for the entertainment shows For galleriet (1992–1993) and Apropos (1998–1999). Her time in Moscow earned her the nickname "Moskva-Marit" ("Moscow Marit").On 17 August 2013, Christensen disclosed that for the last year of Wenche Behring Breivik's life, the mother of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, Christensen had been her confidant. The book was published in the autumn 2013, under the title "The Mother".


Annette Groth (born 16 February 1952 in Oslo) is a Norwegian journalist working for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation.
She worked in Agderposten, Aftenposten and Nationen before landing a job in the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation in 1976. She served as their correspondent in London from 1991 to 2000, before she headed the news review Dagsrevyen from 2001 to 2004. In 2007 she became their correspondent in Washington, DC. Her tenure ended in 2010. She took over as presenter of the foreign affairs special Urix together with Christian Borch.