Articles with MATHSN identifiers


Richard Rado FRS (28 April 1906 – 23 December 1989) was a German-born British mathematician whose research concerned combinatorics and graph theory. He was Jewish and left Germany to escape Nazi persecution. He earned two PhDs: in 1933 from the University of Berlin, and in 1935 from the University of Cambridge. He was interviewed in Berlin by Lord Cherwell for a scholarship given by the chemist Sir Robert Mond which provided financial support to study at Cambridge. After he was awarded the scholarship, Rado and his wife left for the UK in 1933. He was appointed Professor of Mathematics at the University of Reading in 1954 and remained there until he retired in 1971.


Robert M. Haralick (born 1943) is Distinguished Professor in Computer Science at Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). Haralick is one of the leading figures in computer vision, pattern recognition, and image analysis. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a Fellow and past president of the International Association for Pattern Recognition.
Professor Haralick is the King-Sun Fu Prize winner of 2016, "for contributions in image analysis, including remote sensing, texture analysis, mathematical morphology, consistent labeling, and system performance evaluation".


Morton Landers Curtis (November 11, 1921 – February 4, 1989) was an American mathematician, an expert on group theory and the W. L. Moody, Jr. Professor of Mathematics at Rice University.Born in Texas, Curtis earned a bachelor's degree in 1948 from Texas A&I University, and received his Ph.D. in 1951 from the University of Michigan under the supervision of Raymond Louis Wilder. Subsequently, he taught mathematics at Florida State University before moving to Rice. At Rice, he was the Ph.D. advisor of well-known mathematician John Morgan.Curtis is, with James J. Andrews, the namesake of the Andrews–Curtis conjecture concerning Nielsen transformations of balanced group presentations. Andrews and Curtis formulated the conjecture in a 1965 paper; it remains open. Together with Gustav A. Hedlund and Roger Lyndon, he proved the Curtis–Hedlund–Lyndon theorem characterizing cellular automata as being defined by continuous equivariant functions on a shift space.Curtis was the author of two books, Matrix Groups (Springer-Verlag, 1979), and Abstract Linear Algebra (Springer-Verlag, 1990).


Halsey Lawrence Royden, Jr. (September 26, 1928 – August 22, 1993) was an American mathematician, specializing in complex analysis on Riemann surfaces, several complex variables, and complex differential geometry. Royden is the author of a popular textbook on real analysis.


Hugues Charles Robert Méray (12 November 1835, in Chalon-sur-Saône, Saône-et-Loire – 2 February 1911, in Dijon) was a French mathematician. He is noted as the first to publish an arithmetical theory of irrational numbers. His work did not have much of a role in the history of mathematics because France, at that time, was less interested in such matters than Germany.He was an Invited Speaker of the ICM in 1900 in Paris; his contributed paper was presented by Charles-Ange Laisant.


Gian Carlo Wick (15 October 1909 – 20 April 1992) was an Italian theoretical physicist who made important contributions to quantum field theory. The Wick rotation, Wick contraction, Wick's theorem, and the Wick product are named after him.


Edward Stewart Kennedy (3 January 1912 – 4 May 2009) was a historian of science specializing in medieval Islamic astronomical tables written in Persian and Arabic.
Edward S. Kennedy studied electrical engineering at Lafayette College, graduating in 1932. He then traveled to Iran to teach at Alborz College, at that time directed by the American Presbyterian Mission. In the Persian language environment, Kennedy made a study of Persian and became fluent in the language. After four years he returned to Pennsylvania and took up study of series of exponential form related to Lambert series while at Lehigh University. He graduated Ph.D. in 1939.When war broke out he enlisted with the US Army and was sent to Tehran to serve as an attaché, given his fluency in Persian. After the war he saw Sarton and Neugebauer at Harvard as he had taken an interest in early Persian and Arabic science. Then he began to teach at the American University in Beirut (1946 to 1976). In 1951 he married Mary Helen Scanlon and together they had 3 children: Anna, Michael, and Nora. He participated at the American Research Center in Egypt until 1978 when he joined the Institute for the History of Arab Science at University of Aleppo. Edward and Mary-Helen left Lebanon in 1984.
Kennedy died in Doylestown, Pennsylvania at the age of 97.


Aron Simis is a mathematician born in Recife, Brazil in 1942. He is a full professor at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil, and Class A research scholarship recipient from the Brazilian Research Council. He earned his PhD from Queen's University, Canada.He has previously held a full professorship at IMPA (Instituto de Matemática Pura e Applicada) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was president of the Brazilian Mathematical Society and member on several occasions of international commissions of the IMU (International Mathematical Union) and TWAS (Academy of Sciences for the Developing World).He has been director of three workshops in his field at the ICTP (Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics). In Brazil he is a recipient of the National Medal for Scientific Merit at the order of Grã-Cruz and a member of the Brazilian Research Group in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (1997–2007).At large he is a John Simon Guggenheim Fellow and has been awarded other fellowships from the Max Planck Institute, Japan Society for Promotion of Science, and the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica. He is a member both of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (Trieste, Italy).His main research interests in mathematics include: main structures in commutative algebra; projective varieties in algebraic geometry; aspects of algebraic combinatorics; special graded algebras; foundations of Rees algebras; cremona and birational maps; algebraic vector fields; differential methods.Simis is of Romanian origin, his parents immigrated to Brazil from Romania in the 1920s.