Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters


Ragni Piene (born 18 January 1947, Oslo) is a Norwegian mathematician, specializing in algebraic geometry, with particular interest in enumerative results and intersection theory.


Ola Bratteli (24 October 1946 – 8 February 2015) was a Norwegian mathematician.
He was a son of Trygve Bratteli and Randi Bratteli (née Larssen). He received a PhD degree in 1974. He was appointed as professor at the University of Trondheim in 1980 and at the University of Oslo in 1991. He was a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.


Erik Magnus Alfsen (13 May 1930 – 20 November 2019) was a Norwegian mathematician. He is the author of Compact Convex Sets and Boundary Integrals, published in 1971. He was a board member of the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF) for two years, and has also been involved in Nei til Atomvåpen and the Pugwash Conferences. He was a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters and the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.


Peter Fredrik Holst Hjort (23 March 1924 – 1 January 2011) was a Norwegian professor of medicine and politician for the Labour Party. He is best known for his work to establish the University of Tromsø, and for his work with public health.


Arne Semb-Johansson (20 September 1919 – 22 February 2001) was a Norwegian zoologist. He was born in Kristiania. He chaired the Norwegian Entomological Society from 1950 to 1953. He was assigned as a professor of zoology at the University of Oslo from 1959. Among his early works were studies of the nervous system and endocrine system of insects. He edited the six volume encyclopedia Cappelens Dyreleksikon, published 1979–1981. He was decorated Knight, First Class of the Order of St. Olav in 1987.During the occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany he was a central member of Milorg, being a courier for leader Jens Christian Hauge. He was a member of the board of Norway's Resistance Museum from 1973. In 1995 he published the book Fem år for fred og frihet med Milorg 1940–1945.