20th-century Chilean historians


Mario Góngora del Campo (June 22, 1915 – November 18, 1985) was a Chilean historian considered "one of the most important Chilean historians of the 20th century". Though his work he examined the history of the inquilinos, the encomentaderos, rural vagabonds and Indian Law (Derecho Indiano). He was in charge of university courses on medieval history.In 1943 Góngora entered to work as teacher at the Pedagogy School (Escuela de Pedagogía) at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. There he assisted Jaime Eyzaguirre in the History of Chile (Historia de Chile) classes. Most of the students of the time were priests, nuns and brothers.


José Luis Osvaldo Lira Pérez SS.CC. (February 11, 1904, in Santiago, Chile – December 20, 1996, in Santiago) was a Chilean priest, philosopher and theologian who wrote more than 10 books on topics related to the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, as well as Ortega y Gasset and Juan Vázquez de Mella. He devoted most of his life to teaching in different universities, and had as many followers as opponents.
With Ramón Callis in 1952 they founded the National Syndicalist Revolutionary Movement, with an open fascist tendency.