Flamenco singers


Juan Valderrama Blanca (24 May 1916 – 12 April 2004), better known as Juanito Valderrama, was a Spanish flamenco and folk singer. Although he was known for singing copla, he always claimed to be a flamenco singer.
Born in Torredelcampo, Juanito's recording career began in 1935 and lasted more than 60 years. Among his most famous songs is "El emigrante", written in 1949, a ballad for the millions of displaced Spaniards who fled the country in the years after the Spanish Civil War. In 1960 he appeared in the film of the same name.
He was romantically and professionally partnered with singer and actress Dolores Abril from 1954 until his death in 2004. The couple had two children, Juan Antonio Valderrama and Juana Dolores Valderrama, who both became singers.


José Monje Cruz (5 December 1950 – 2 July 1992), better known by his stage name Camarón de la Isla, was a Spanish Romani flamenco singer. Considered one of the all-time greatest flamenco singers, he was noted for his collaborations with Paco de Lucía and Tomatito, and the three of them were of major importance to the revival of flamenco in the second half of the 20th century.


Pastora Pavón Cruz, known as La Niña de los Peines (10 February 1890 – 26 November 1969), is considered the most important woman flamenco singer of the 20th century. She was a sister of singers Arturo Pavón and Tomás Pavón, also an important flamenco singer, and aunt to Arturo Pavón, the first flamenco pianist. Both brothers, Pastora and Tomás, together with singer Manuel Torre, were the inspiring models for the next generation of singers like Antonio Mairena, Pepe de la Matrona or Fosforito, who led the movement towards the revival of traditional forms in the decades of the 1950s-1970s.


Antonio Chacón (1869–1929) was a Spanish flamenco singer [cantaor].
Chacón was born in Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz Province. He began earning a living by performing flamenco around 1884. He toured Andalucia with his two friends, the Molina brothers - dancer Antonio Molina, and guitarist Javier Molina. He was later hired by Silverio Franconetti for his café in Seville. He was noted for his skill in singing the cartagenera, malagueñas, granaína and media granaína, which earned him the popular title of "Don".
According to Fernando el de Triana, he was so accomplished that all of the most successful cantaores (singers) performing with him renounced their right of seniority and allowed Chacón to perform last, because the audience would simply leave when he finished. Had they not preceded him, they would have been performing to an empty hall.He performed with many of the best performers of his era. The great guitarist Ramón Montoya performed as Chacón's accompanist for over a decade until the early 1920s. Another great guitarist, Sabicas, then accompanied him, early in the latter's career.
In 1922 at Granada he participated in the celebrated Concurso de Cante Jondo. Chacón was given the place of honor, presiding over the judges of this flamenco contest. For many the singer Chacón remains "el mejor de todos los tiempos" (the best of all time). He died in Madrid.