French mathematician stubs


Jacques Deny (French: [dəni]; 22 October 1916 – 1 January 2016) was a French mathematician. He made notable contributions to the field of analysis, in particular potential theory.


Hugues Charles Robert Méray (12 November 1835, in Chalon-sur-Saône, Saône-et-Loire – 2 February 1911, in Dijon) was a French mathematician. He is noted as the first to publish an arithmetical theory of irrational numbers. His work did not have much of a role in the history of mathematics because France, at that time, was less interested in such matters than Germany.He was an Invited Speaker of the ICM in 1900 in Paris; his contributed paper was presented by Charles-Ange Laisant.


Ernest Jean Philippe Fauque de Jonquières (born Carpentras, France 3 July 1820; died Mousans-Sartoux, France 12 August 1901) was a French mathematician and naval officer who made several contributions in geometry.
Jonquières attended the naval school at Brest, and later joined the French Navy. in 1841 he became a lieutenant, and from 1849 to 1850 he served on the staff of the Admiral in Paris. During this time, Jonquières became a close associate of Michel Chasles, whose works he had studied. During his subsequent time at sea, he continued his mathematical studies, and won a part of the Grand Prix of the French Academy of Sciences in 1862.
In 1865, Jonquières became a captain and was sent to Saigon to organize a French agricultural and industrial exhibition. He played an important role in the development of current Vietnam as a French colony. Later, he was head of the local naval depot and its maps and plans. In 1874, Jonquières was made Vice-Admiral. He retired in 1885.


Georges-Henri Halphen (French: [ʒɔʀʒ ɑ̃ʁi alfɛn]; 30 October 1844, Rouen – 23 May 1889, Versailles) was a French mathematician. He was known for his work in geometry, particularly in enumerative geometry and the singularity theory of algebraic curves, in algebraic geometry. He also worked on invariant theory and projective differential geometry.


Michel Broué (born 28 October 1946) is a French mathematician. He holds a chair at Paris Diderot University. Broué has made contributions to algebraic geometry and representation theory.
In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.He is the son of French historian Pierre Broué and the father of French director and screenwriter Isabelle Broué and of French journalist and radio producer Caroline Broué.


Jules Antoine Lissajous (French pronunciation: [ʒyl ɑ̃twan lisaʒu]; 4 March 1822 in Versailles – 24 June 1880 in Plombières-les-Dijon) was a French physicist, after whom Lissajous figures are named. Among other innovations, Lissajous invented the Lissajous apparatus, a device that creates the figures that bear his name. In it, a beam of light is bounced off a mirror attached to a vibrating tuning fork, and then reflected off a second mirror attached to a perpendicularly oriented vibrating tuning fork (usually of a different pitch, creating a specific harmonic interval), onto a wall, resulting in a Lissajous figure. This led to the invention of other apparatus such as the harmonograph.


Antoine-Joseph Yvon Villarceau (15 January 1813 – 23 December 1883) was a French astronomer, mathematician, and engineer.
He constructed an equatorial meridian-instrument and an isochronometric regulator for the Paris Observatory.
He wrote Mécanique Céleste. Expose des Méthodes de Wronski et Composantes des Forces Perturbatrices suivant les Axes Mobiles (Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1881) and Sur l'établissement des arches de pont, envisagé au point de vue de la plus grande stabilité (Paris: Imprimerie Impériale, 1853).
He is the eponym of Villarceau circles, which are two circular sections of a torus other than the two trivial ones.
A short street in the 16th arrondissement of Paris is named after Villarceau.


Victor Alexandre Puiseux (French: [pɥizø]; 16 April 1820 – 9 September 1883) was a French mathematician and astronomer. Puiseux series are named after him, as is in part the Bertrand–Diquet–Puiseux theorem. His work on algebraic functions and uniformization makes him a direct precursor of Bernhard Riemann, for what concerns the latter's work on this subject and his introduction of Riemann surfaces. He was also an accomplished amateur mountaineer. A peak in the French alps, which he climbed in 1848, is named after him.
A species of Israeli gecko, Ptyodactylus puiseuxi, is named in his honor.