French neurologists


Georges Albert Édouard Brutus Gilles de la Tourette (French: [ʒɔʁʒ albɛʁ edwaʁ bʁytys ʒil də la tuʁɛt]; 30 October 1857 – 22 May 1904) was a French neurologist and the namesake of Tourette syndrome, a neurological condition characterized by tics. His main contributions in medicine were in the fields of hypnotism and hysteria.


Alexandre-Achille Cyprien Souques (6 February 1860 – 24 December 1944) was a French neurologist born in Comprégnac in the département Aveyron.
Souques studied medicine in Paris, where in 1886 he became an interne and in 1891 earned his medical doctorate. Afterwards he worked as médecin des hôpitaux (Hospice de la Salpêtrière), and in 1918 became a member of the Académie de Médecine. With Joseph Babinski (1857-1932) and others, he was a founding member of the Societé de Neurologie de Paris.
He is remembered for his extensive research of Parkinsonism, and in a 1921 treatise titled Rapport sur les syndromes parkinsoniens, he documented the importance of encephalitis lethargica as a cause of Parkinsonism. With his mentor Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893), he described the eponymous "Souques-Charcot geroderma", a condition that is a variant of Hutchinson–Gilford disease. Souques is also credited with introducing the term "camptocormia" to describe an abnormal forward-flexed posture.


Jean Marie Marcel Albert Pitres (26 August 1848 – 25 March 1928) was a French neurological physician. He was born in Bordeaux and received his training in Paris, where he was the student of Jean Martin Charcot (1825–1893) and Louis-Antoine Ranvier (1835–1922). He served as dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bordeaux – appointed 1885.
He began his medical studies in Bordeaux, later working as an interne to the hospitals of Paris (from 1872). In 1877, he defended his doctoral thesis, and during the following year received his agrégation with a dissertation titled "Les hypertrophies et les dilatations cardiaques indépendante des lésions valvulaires". In the late 1870s, with Charles-Émile François-Franck, he performed studies on the excitation of the cerebral cortex and the localization of brain function. Afterwards, he returned to Bordeaux, where from 1881 to 1919, he was maître to the chair of pathology. Pitres died in 1928, at the age of 79, after falling down stairs.
Lessons that Pitres gave at the amphitheater in Bordeaux on the following subjects were compiled and published: hysteria and hypnotism (1891), amnesic aphasia (1897), paraphasia (1898) and physical signs associated with pleural effusions (1902). His studies of peripheral neuritis were published in volume 36 of Augustin Nicolas Gilbert and Paul Carnot's Nouveau traité de médeine et de thérapeutique. With Leo Testut (1849–1925), he was co-author of Les nerfs en schémas, anatomie et physiopathologie (1925).
His name became associated with pleural effusion and with tabes dorsalis. The term "Pitres' sign" refers to hypoesthesia of the scrotum and testicles in tabes dorsalis.


Henri Meige (11 February 1866 – 29 September 1940) was a French neurologist born in Moulins-sur-Allier. He characterized Meige's syndrome in 1910.He studied medicine in Paris under Jean Charcot (1825–1893), earning his doctorate in 1893. Afterwards he worked at the Salpêtrière and the École des Beaux-Arts, where in the 1920s he was appointed professor.
With Édouard Brissaud (1852–1909) he researched skeletal changes in acromegaly, concluding that gigantism in adolescents is fundamentally the same disease as acromegaly in adults. During World War I he conducted studies of neuropathy with Pierre Marie (1853–1940).
Meige is best known for his work with extrapyramidal lesions. In 1902, with Eugene Feindel, he published an important work on motor disturbances, blepharospasms and tics. In contrast to Charcot, Meige asserted that disturbances of the extrapyramidal system were manifestations of pathological changes outside the pyramidal system.He was editor of the journals Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpêtrière and Schriftleiter of the Revue Neurologique.


Louis Théophile Joseph Landouzy (27 March 1845 – 10 May 1917) was a French neurologist from Reims, and whose father and grandfather were also physicians.
He studied medicine in Reims and Paris, earning his doctorate in 1876. He spent much his career at the University of Paris, becoming a professor of therapy in 1893 and a dean of medicine in 1901.
His name is associated with the "Landouzy-Dejerine syndrome", a type of muscular dystrophy with atrophic changes to the facial muscles and scapulo-humeral region. It is named along with neurologist Joseph Jules Dejerine, who was a colleague and close friend. Landouzy was a witness at the wedding of Dejerine to Augusta Marie Klumpke (1859–1927) in 1888.
Landouzy's primary area of interest dealt with tuberculosis, and he was a major figure involving education of the public for its eradication. He was a member of several international committees in regards to tuberculosis.
He is credited with coining the word "camptodactyly" to describe a flexion deformity of the finger(s) at the proximal interphalangeal joint (1906). With neurologist Joseph Grasset (1849–1918), his name is associated with the "Landouzy-Grasset Law". This law states that in lesions concerning one hemisphere of the brain, a patient will turn his head to the side of affected muscles if there is spasticity, and to the side of the cerebral lesion if there is paralysis.


Alix Joffroy (16 December 1844, in Stainville – 24 November 1908) was a French neurologist and psychiatrist remembered for describing Joffroy's sign. He studied in Paris, earning his doctorate in 1873, becoming médecin des hôpitaux in 1879 and agrégé in 1880. He worked at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital from 1885 and succeeded Benjamin Ball as professor of clinical psychiatry in 1893.
Jean-Martin Charcot encouraged him to study neurology, and together they demonstrated atrophy of anterior horn cells in the spinal cord in poliomyelitis in 1869.


Henri Huchard (4 April 1844 – 1 December 1910) was a French neurologist and cardiologist born in Auxon, Aube.
He studied medicine at the University of Paris, later being appointed médecin des hôpitaux. During his career he was associated with the Bichat and Necker hospitals in Paris. Huchard was a member of the Académie de Médecine.
Huchard specialized in the study of cardiovascular disease, and is remembered for his research of arteriosclerosis. His name is lent to "Huchard's disease" (continued arterial hypertension), and to "Huchard's sign", which is an indication of hypertension, and defined as a pulse rate that does not decrease when changing from a standing to a supine position.Huchard married Berthe Gilbert with whom he had two sons.


Henri Duret (7 July 1849, Condé-sur-Noireau – 7 April 1921) was a French neurologist whose contributions to the knowledge of cerebral circulation and the physiology of the brainstem were important for the early years of brain surgery. For thirty years he was associated with "Faculté Libre de Médecine" in Lille, France, and became dean of the school. He also organized and directed Red Cross hospitals during World War I.
Among his publications was a monograph on intracranial tumors titled Les tumeurs de l’encéphale (1905), and a major work on craniocerebral injuries titled Traumatismes cranio-cérébraux (1921). Other noted writings by Duret are:

Etudes expérimentales et cliniques sur les traumatismes cérébreaux, (1878) Delahaye, Paris.
"The role of the dura mater and its nerves in cerebral traumatism", (1878) in Brain 1:29–47.


Louis Édouard Octave Crouzon (1874–1938) was a French neurologist born in Paris.
He received his doctorate from the University of Paris, where he studied under Paul Georges Dieulafoy (1839–1911), Joseph Babinski (1857–1932) and Pierre Marie (1853–1940). During his medical career, he was associated with the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris and Salpêtrière Hospital.Crouzon specialized in hereditary neurological diseases, especially spinocerebellar ataxia. He did extensive work associated with cervical and lumbar spine deformities, and conducted studies of chronic rheumatic and arthritic disorders. Crouzon was the first to describe a condition he called "craniofacial dysostosis", defined as a genetic branchial arch disorder that results in abnormal facial features. Today this condition is known as Crouzon's syndrome.For his entire career, Crouzon was interested in psychology, particularly in the work of Pierre Janet (1859-1947), whom Crouzon considered a major influence.During his career, he was president of the Société Neurologique de Paris (Neurological Society of Paris) and secretary of the journal Revue Neurologique.


Étienne Jacques Marie Raymond Céstan (6 April 1872, Gaillac – 1934) was a French neurologist.
From 1892 he studied medicine in Paris, and was subsequently a hospital interne and a student of Édouard Brissaud at the Salpêtrière. In 1899 he received his medical doctorate, and was chosen by Fulgence Raymond to be chef de clinique at the Salpêtrière. In 1903 he was put in charge of the histopathology laboratory, and during the following year, he obtained his agrégation. Soon afterwards, he moved to Toulouse, where in 1913 he attained the chair of psychiatry. At this position he conducted research on the development of cerebrospinal fluid and the effects of intra-ventricular injection.