University of Turin alumni


Antonio Rostagni (14 July 1903 – 5 December 1988) was an Italian physicist and academician.
He was a physicist involved in research in the fields of terrestrial physics, electromagnetic waves, and cosmic rays.
He was professor of physics at the University of Messina beginning in 1935 and at the University of Padua beginning in 1938. Among his students was Giuseppe Grioli.
Starting in 1950, he was a corresponding member of the Accademia dei Lincei of which he became a national member. He became a member of the Academy of Sciences of Turin in 1951.
Rostagni was vice-President of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics from 1956 to 1958 and from 1958 to 1959 was director of the Research Division at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at Vienna.


Sergio Ricossa (6 June 1927 – 2 March 2016) was an Italian economist.
Born in Turin, in 1949 Ricossa graduated in Economics at the Turin University. In 1961 he was nominated associate professor of economic policy and financial discipline in the same university, becoming ordinary professor in 1963.A proponent of an economic liberalism without compromises, Ricossa's studies mainly focused on the theory of value. He collaborated with several magazines and with the newspapers Il Giornale and La Stampa, where his provocative articles often raised criticism and polemics.Ricossa was a Vice President of the Mont Pelerin Society, a member of the Accademia dei Lincei, and the honorary president of the Bruno Leoni Institute.


Beppo Levi (14 May 1875 – 28 August 1961) was an Italian mathematician. He published high-level academic articles and books, not only on mathematics, but also on physics, history, philosophy, and pedagogy. Levi was a member of the Bologna Academy of Sciences and of the Accademia dei Lincei.


Luciana Littizzetto (born 29 October 1964) is an Italian comedy actress, shock jock and humor writer.
Littizzetto is known in her home country for her irreverent gags, lampooning government ministers and church prelates alike.
Nicknamed "Lucianina" (Italian for Little Luciana), she is a prominent personality on Italian television, notably appearing weekly as guest on Rai 3's primetime show Che tempo che fa. Besides more trivial topics, she notably advocated a stricter policy in Italy dealing with sexual harassment.


Germain Sommeiller (February 15, 1815, Saint-Jeoire – July 11, 1871) was an Italian civil engineer from Savoy. He directed the construction of the Fréjus Rail Tunnel between France and Italy, also known as the Mont Cenis Tunnel. This was the first of a series of major tunnels built in the late 19th century to connect northern and southern Europe through the Alps. Sommeiller pioneered the use of pneumatic drilling and dynamite to achieve record-breaking excavation speeds. This 12.8-km tunnel was completed on December 26, 1870, 11 years ahead of schedule. It remained the longest tunnel in the world until the opening of the Gotthard Rail Tunnel in 1882.